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Desperate for Help with my 4-3-2-1

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As the title suggest I'm desperate for help in getting my 4-3-2-1 to really flourish. I've used it in a Man Utd save and it was great but due to my lack of understanding of tactics and also how to exploit space be the opposition as well as how to counter them properly.

Anyways this is my formation:



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It seems that your TI are contradictory to the assigned roles. You use advanced playmaker and F9 roles which are more useful for possession or slow build up styles. Plus floated crosses which are more suited to a big man upfront...

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Ah yeah I thought that the float cross would aim for the IF on the far side.......guess not, I'll definitely change that

Maybe use a PI for that with your right-side players - you can select cross to the Far Post iirc which might give the behaviour you're looking for?

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I've changed the roles slightly since I posted this and am now using WBs in both the full back positions and the CM 3 are now CMs (MCR) CMd (MC) and CMa (MCl).

Also i don't have float crosses, direct passing or pass into space activated anymore.

Finally the aim of the play is to get the play to link around the ST as a pivot for the IF to attack into the box and to allow the WB to over lap them as well as provide a cutting edge in front of goal

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