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promised a player a new deal, i HAVE offered various deals, but because he won't accept.....

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I'm breaking my promise apparently....

dont think thats correct...

player on 18k comes to me saying he thinks he's due another contract. Ill offer you one straight away, says i.

he asks for 42k....no way. i offer, 22, then 25, then 32, then walk away.

look a promises "hopes his manager remembers to offer him a new deal"...

goes back and again offers 32k....

still the same.

surely the game should reflect that i have offered him a contract, but one he doesnt accept

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This has been raised a number of times, I have actually raised examples of this myself suggested a few alternative ways that the scenario could be played out, hopefully we'll see the rough edges being worked out for FM16.

In this case the player wants a deal on his terms, if you do not meets those terms then he considers the promise to have not been kept, at leasts that's how I see it.

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The wording could change, but the point that the player is unhappy that you are unwilling to offer him an acceptable contract is fine. Otherwise you could just offer a £1 p/w contract and claim "I offered you a contract - promise kept"

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The wording could change, but the point that the player is unhappy that you are unwilling to offer him an acceptable contract is fine. Otherwise you could just offer a £1 p/w contract and claim "I offered you a contract - promise kept"

How would you suggest it should be worded? "Promised player an improved contract" or "Promised player the exact contract he wants" ?

I think maybe we should have both options available and that way it will solve this confusion for everyone.

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Probably should be a two stage system, firts promise stays as is & if the player isn't happy due to talks not ending an a contract being accepted there is another conversation where you can promise to meet the player's demands, ask/tell the player to reduce his demands (*this can already be done in a separate conversation btw), tell him that he can either accept the offer you made or lump it or finally agree to sell if another club comes in for him.

*What I've done in the past is after the player/agent walks out on contract talks I'll continue the game for a day or two & then use one of the lower contract demands conversation options, if he agrees I'll continue until I get close to the promise deadline & then offer a new contract. It doesn't always work but it makes me feel happier with how the situation unfolds

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Probably should be a two stage system, firts promise stays as is & if the player isn't happy due to talks not ending an a contract being accepted there is another conversation where you can promise to meet the player's demands, ask/tell the player to reduce his demands (*this can already be done in a separate conversation btw), tell him that he can either accept the offer you made or lump it or finally agree to sell if another club comes in for him.

*What I've done in the past is after the player/agent walks out on contract talks I'll continue the game for a day or two & then use one of the lower contract demands conversation options, if he agrees I'll continue until I get close to the promise deadline & then offer a new contract. It doesn't always work but it makes me feel happier with how the situation unfolds

How can you talk directly to the player about this though? i thought you could only aproach players with certain things like praise and warnings and everything else they have to aproach you?

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Lower contract demands is listed in the the warn transfer list menu, tbh the menu's could probably do with losing the praise/warn starting point as I've stumbled across chat option that I never thought would be where they are , for me a more intuitive system would be talk about..Contract, Status at club, Recent form, Last game, etc, etc. & from there you select either positive or negative conversation,

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so there i was happy that although he had been fit for at least 30 consecutive days and played 8 games in a row, and every single day has told me exactly the same thing, that he understands that "after speaking with adrien rabiot, assistant manager john collins believes that the player understands that his injury will affect exactly when yo will be in a position to keep your promise of offering him a new contract. he does however expect to see swift progress on this front once he has returned to full fitness. "

but from friday to saturday, he's had a change of mood. on cup final day of all days, he's had a mood swing. he wants to know why I've broken my promise. on cup final day!!!

surely ill have a chance to tell him that his wage demands are mental?

no, my only two options are that either I've forgotten, or ill do it when I'm good and ready and he shouldn't chase me.

neither of them dealing with the fact that I've offered him a ****** contract with a 50% wage increase. he might not like it but he shouldnt be calling me a liar.

and now I'm thinking i might just give him the 42k a week, its not my money and its the only way to get rid of this stupidness

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That sounds like the player happiness system is not cross-referencing with the fixture list to rule out obviously bad times to speak to the boss about anything other the the next fixture, definitely worth raising in the bugs forum & if you have save just before the promise changes to 'failed' even better.

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damn, i was too tight, i actually in the end offered the 42.5k, but wasnt giving him the 6.5k appearance, the huge bonus and his agent 750k when last time id given him 100k to sign a deal that was under 19k a week....

so he's in a huff....on cup final day, 4 days before man city in the CL....and his team mates are seething "we are disappointed that you dont think adrien rabbit deserves a new contract...:"

" but he's a liar i did!" isn't one of the options....

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