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Question with regards to specific player roles & preset player instructions

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Hi guys.

I have a question with regards to specific player roles, and the instructions that they give the player

For example, if I put someone in the LM position, and assign them to be a 'Winger-Attacking' if I go into player instructions, certain instructions such as 'Cross more often' 'get further forward' etc will automatically filled in.

My question is, If I assign the player to be 'Wide Midfielder-Automatic' but then manually select 'cross more often' 'get further forward' and all of the other options that are preset as 'Winger-Attacking' will the player carry out exactly the same duties?

The reason I ask, is that I have a right footed left winger, and I want him to cut in, but if I assign 'Winger-Attacking' then 'hug touchline' will automatically be selected. If I were to choose 'Wide Midfielder - Automatic-, manually assign all the same instructions as 'Winger Attacking' but swap out 'hug touchline' for 'cut inside' will he play the same as the winger?

Hope that makes sense!!

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He won't behave in the exact same way, as some settings (like the inherent Mentality and Creative Freedom of the Role / Duty) won't match. In sweeping terms, you can edit many Roles / Duties to behave similarly to other Roles / Duties, but you won't be able to exactly replicate them as it would defy the point of both Roles existing in the first place.

Sounds like you want to create an Inside Forward in the ML slot. Wide Midfielder is the ideal Role to tweak to do this. By selecting Cut Inside With Ball, he will by definition generally behave differently to a winger when on the ball.

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thanks for that

Yeah, thats pretty much what I've done - gone for Wide Midfielder, but put all the instructions the same as Winger, with Cut In as an option instead of the default hug touchline that a Winger gets.

I also prefer having my midfielders as just 'central midfield' then specifying instructions to make them play as an attacking playmaker, or a more defensive midfielder than going for the preset 'advanced playmaker' or 'ball winning midfielder' I was just keen to check if the players would behave in the way I wanted if the default role was 'wide midfielder' or central midfielder'

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As usual, watching more of the match gives you more of an indication as to how your set up is looking. I started a new save last night and watched all of pre-season and my first 5 or 6 competitive matches in full.

What I tend to do is less efficient than the way some people analyse stuff, but I watch the match "as a whole" to see how all the parts function together, and then I might focus on individuals. As an example, if I watch my left full back, I get to see when and where he is joining attacks - is it too soon, or too late? Then I can look at how this affects his defensive transitioning. Is he crossing too much, or too little? Are the crosses accurate or inaccurate? Why? What are the targets in the middle doing? Are they arriving too soon, too late, or not at all?

For your ML, I'd focus firstly on his own movement and behaviour, but also bear in mind the nine other outfield players and how he interacts with them - how he supports them, covers for them etc. etc. A process of elimination will let you refine his play by tweaking TIs and PIs accordingly.

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RTH's advice is perfect. It's really important to look for the things going on around the player in question. For example, I also like to use ML/MR's who cut inside or run wide. It's nice to have that variation you know. So maybe I have Robben cut in, and Ribery run wide. But then I make sure my fullbacks are doing the opposite. So I create an overlap and an underlap. But if I wasn't aware of how the players worked together, I'd probably screw things up and have guys running into the same space.

So yeah. Watch everyone.

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