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"Not your usual scouting locales."


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Faroe Islands. Luxembourg. San Marino. Malta.

I should have realized that something was wrong when they gave me the itinerary. Holland? Sure. Germany? Definitely. Sweden? Acceptable.

I should have realized they were trying to get rid of me. They. The club of my youth, the club of my dreams, the club that signed me to a hot prospect contract, the club that paid the bills when my leg shattered into what felt like a million pieces, the club that gave me a low level scouting job when my playing career was clearly done due to violent injury.

The club that axed me as soon as budget requirements insisted upon it. I could be upset. I could be angry. I could have several truckloads of manure dumped in the club's main offices.

But here I am. Croatia. Novalja seems like a decent enough club. They are certainly taking a chance on an unproven manager. Why they hired me is anyone's guess. Maybe they remembered me from my all-too-brief playing days. But at least the job will pay the bills for a while.

It's nice to be given a chance.

On the other hand, they told me it was just a regular scouting trip. 4 countries off the beaten path. Searching for unheralded talent from some of Europe's smallest nations. And did I go? Sure, I had faith. San Marino made sense, that was my home, I just had to stay with the parents and walk the old streets that my friends and I used to play on.

And I found some talent too. Didn't think I would, but I did. 5 top prospects in each country I visited.

But what did I find when I returned to my "club". An empty desk. A box full of my odds and ends with "claim it or it goes in the trash" written upon it.

You see. I should have known.

They didn't care about the prospects I found. They cared about getting rid of me. The newspapers were in their pockets all along. I’d ‘cracked up’, they said. Gone AWOL. “Disappeared on some personal scouting trip and was wasting important club funds.â€

I don't care, now. Really. Let this history of my prospects, the ones I discovered, be my revenge.

And let me find some more willing truckdrivers.


[background info: Here. You could also look back at this or this. Or search keyword: Madcap, CASAWAK, or Beffrey City.]

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Faroe Islands. Luxembourg. San Marino. Malta.

I should have realized that something was wrong when they gave me the itinerary. Holland? Sure. Germany? Definitely. Sweden? Acceptable.

I should have realized they were trying to get rid of me. They. The club of my youth, the club of my dreams, the club that signed me to a hot prospect contract, the club that paid the bills when my leg shattered into what felt like a million pieces, the club that gave me a low level scouting job when my playing career was clearly done due to violent injury.

The club that axed me as soon as budget requirements insisted upon it. I could be upset. I could be angry. I could have several truckloads of manure dumped in the club's main offices.

But here I am. Croatia. Novalja seems like a decent enough club. They are certainly taking a chance on an unproven manager. Why they hired me is anyone's guess. Maybe they remembered me from my all-too-brief playing days. But at least the job will pay the bills for a while.

It's nice to be given a chance.

On the other hand, they told me it was just a regular scouting trip. 4 countries off the beaten path. Searching for unheralded talent from some of Europe's smallest nations. And did I go? Sure, I had faith. San Marino made sense, that was my home, I just had to stay with the parents and walk the old streets that my friends and I used to play on.

And I found some talent too. Didn't think I would, but I did. 5 top prospects in each country I visited.

But what did I find when I returned to my "club". An empty desk. A box full of my odds and ends with "claim it or it goes in the trash" written upon it.

You see. I should have known.

They didn't care about the prospects I found. They cared about getting rid of me. The newspapers were in their pockets all along. I’d ‘cracked up’, they said. Gone AWOL. “Disappeared on some personal scouting trip and was wasting important club funds.â€

I don't care, now. Really. Let this history of my prospects, the ones I discovered, be my revenge.

And let me find some more willing truckdrivers.


[background info: Here. You could also look back at this or this. Or search keyword: Madcap, CASAWAK, or Beffrey City.]

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Five top prospects from Luxembourg? I'll believe it when I see it... icon_biggrin.gif

I played against Jeff Strasser a few times (man-marked him on a couple of occasions, he was an attacking midfielder at the time) when I was growing up in Luxembourg. He played for Union Luxembourg at youth level before moving to Metz, and I played for Spora. Good old days icon_smile.gif

Nice idea for a story, good luck icon14.gif

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The following letter was found sealed in the an unopened envelope addressed to ****** footballing club, stamped "return to sender", among the journals of Mattimosi Janz:


To: *********

Please find attached the report detailing my scouting activities in the Faroe Islands, April 15 to April 28th, 2001. Also included is my detailed expense report for reimbursement.


April 15th:

Arrived on flight from London this morning in quite an ill state. Weather is still a bit cold here on the islands, but expect to meet with local contacts early this week. Odd place to try and find footballers, but you never now.

April 18th:

No luck so far, local coaches have given me a couple of names to follow up on, but frankly, they hardly sound real let alone any names I've ever heard of. This may be a wild goose chase up here.

Do they have geese on these Islands?

Tomorrow I am supposed to see one "Santos L. Halper".

April 20th:

Have arrived on the large island at the town of Vestmanna. The oddly named Halper, is actually quite a strong local player. His dad was reputedly Brazilian club side player who migrated to Faroe in the 80s to work in the oil industry.

Brief Player Profile: Santos L. Halper

Central Defender. 17 years old. Not bad in the air and already a strong marking center-back. Not afraid to stick a boot in or take a foul when asked. Outlasts most of his opponents over 90 minutes. Not much to contribute offensively, but was very consistent over the last two days in several non-competive matches. Still plenty of room to develop.

Comments: Interesting player who already captains his local side. Worth snapping up to at least play in the reserves.

April 21st:

This is a must-sign player!

Player Profile: Jesus Jarman

Striker. Age 16. Excellent eye for goal and surprised me with several impressive pieces of trickery. Scored twice in the game I watched: once with a sweet one-time volley, and another with a half-touch off his heel. Clearly can score at will against current competition. Already a bit of a freekick specialist, and according to club officials knocked in three freekicks in a local cup final.

Comments: He's ready to play low league professional football right now. Was tipped onto him by Halper after interview as "the only local player that I can't mark out of a game".

April 22nd:

Moving through various local towns. Not many players at all, so I don't expect to find many more prospects. Having to travel by coach and ferry is taking a toll on my stomach, and if I never eat another fish I'll be happy.

Have been tipped onto two players to see tomorrow, but I think I they may have been taking the ****. "von Liechtenstein" and "von Richtofen" are the players names.

April 23rd:

Teammates for pub team in Fuglafjorohur (best guess at spelling). These two are surprisingly skilled players, and though I wonder about their names (alias?), they might be worth giving trials.

Player Profile: Ulrich von Liectenstein

Central midfielder. Age 17. Showed signs of being a good overall player on the offensive side of the game. Decent speed and physical abilities, but not much of a finishing tough right now.

Comments: Good possibilities here as he seem to has his head screwed on straight.

Player Profile: Barren von Richtofen

Striker. Age 16. Good movement, trickery and basic goalscoring. High workrate bugs defenders to no end.

Comments: As good as previously mentioned Jarman. Priority signing, as he has already been linked (according to local fans) with ADO of Holland. He's also rumoured to have had several tryouts with Danish club Kalundborg.

April 25th:

Well, suprising success so far this trip. Hardly expect any more in my last few days. May try and get in a game myself tomorrow.

April 26th:

I was impressed today by the potential of another Faroe Islander.

Player Profile: John Walker

Defensive midfielder. Age 16. Didn't show the best skills in the game, but clearly loves the game and loves to win.

Comments: Hard to describe this player, but after taking several sneaky tackles and snide remarks, I think there is something about this player that could be cultured into a strong asset for any club. Clearly not as developed as the others scouting here in Faroe, but worth a chance.

April 28th:

On reflection of leaving the islands for Luxembourg later today, I think that these 5 players are worth the risk. If they don't show up in Faroe's international side within the next few years, I'll eat my hat.

(expense report omitted)

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TO: *******

Please find attached my scouting report of my trip to Luxembourg. May 1st to May 8th, 2001.

May 1st:

Some surprising finds in the islands, but now pack on the continent and don't expect to have the same luck. Not entirely sure that those 5 in Faroe weren't figments of my imagination.

Variety of local youth tournaments underway this week, so maybe I'l find one or two player to recommend.

May 2nd:

Player Profile: Gilles Lefty

Central midfielder. Age 16. Natural ability to find space and drift away from defenders. Playmaker for his pub side, and makes older players look good. Very good technique, which should help in the long run.

Comments: Good potential here. Enough natural talent to really become an impact player.

May 3rd:

Watched an enjoyable game today between two youth sides, where the main interest was a back-and-forth battle between one side's forward and his defender on the opposite side.

Player Profile: Brian Greene

Central Defender. Age 18. Already strong as an ox, and has great positioning sense. Excellent pace and jumping gives him an advantage over most players he is playing against.

Comments: Local coach says he thinks Greene has the mindset of a football professional and has good teamwork for a defender. Probably the best defensive prospect I've seen on this trip so far.

Player Profile: Allan Juel Hansen

Sriker Age 15. A very skilled player for his age, with some of the best dribbling skills I've seen from a youth. good eye for goal, and wicked fast, really threatened Greene in their one-on-one match-ups.

Comments: Age may keep clubs from signing him immediately, but he scored the clinching goal to give his side a place in the final game of this local cup, and could be useful to bring in and let develop.

May 6th:

Today I was driving around the country with my guide and stopped to watch a local game. Much to my disappointment, I realized that the pitch was atually in Belgium, so out of my scouting area.

Oddly, however, a local youth from Luxembourg was watching the game as well, and we talked a bit about the game. It was clear he had a keen eye for the way the game was developing and predicted several key moments of the action before they occurred. I invited him to a tryout for tomorrow to see what he could do on a pitch, if he does well I'll list him here.

May 7th:

Player Profile: Rikjard Den Rooster

Midfielder, probably defensive. Age 17. Good understanding of the game, but lacking in game skills.

Comments: A risk player, but with room to grow. Reads the game better than most TV analysts, and his teammates say he uses every possible trick to his advantage. I think he's a worthwhile investment.

May 9th:

I was impressed this morning in a early morning kick-around that I saw between two local youth clubs. Despite his shorts continually falling down, a right winger impressed me.

Player Profile: Lucky Pants

Right-sided midfielder/winger. quick, with good skills with the ball at his feet. Doesn't have the best touch with the killer through-ball though.

Comments: A nice asset on Pants is his excellent corner, a nice touch from a winger. Enough natural ability, but room to develop the passing needed from a goal-maker.

Tomorrow I have the train ride home. It will be good to see my family again.

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TO: *******

Please find attached my scouting report of my trip to San Marino. May 10th, 2001.

Nice to be home. It's an odd place to come on a job though, most of the talent is already out of town and into Italian club systems long ago.

My cousin, Maximo, knows some players from his local team, but I can't imagine that they'll be very good.


Am I cut out for this job? I keep finding potential stars in the strangest places.

My cousin has improved immensely since last I saw him play, and he and his pal Madcap (Eric Fleming) clearly enjoy bossing the middle of the pitch together.

Player Profile: Herman Toothrot

Right winger. Age 17. Impossibly good winger. Very fast, can dribble and whips in a good cross. Frankly, too good to be true.

Comments: If this player isn't setting up a dozen goals a year by this time 3 years from now, I have no business being in the game.

Player Profile: Giuseppe Raschi

Central defender. age 17. A clearly determined young man unafraid to tackle. already good in the air, good positional sense, and already a fine tackler.

Comments: Expect him to be gone by the time you get this report. I spotted Giuseppe talking to a well-dressed man after seeing him play, and clearly saw a Manchester United pin on the well-dressed man's lapel. I think we'd have a hard time competing with that.

Player Profile: Maximo Janz

Central midfielder. Age 16. an interesting player who likes to make runs from a deep-playing position. Too bad he can't hit the net from 2 yards out.

Comments: My cousin has a lot of good skill, but he's still a whiny brat in many ways. He picked up a bit of an injury last week, so it might be better to hold of and see how he recovers.

Player Profile: Madcap

central midfielder. Age 16. Is basically a goalscoring midfielder not a playmaker. Scores goals frequently, but rarely sets them up.

Comments: I like this player a lot. Interesting talent, and could be an ideal player to fill the gaps of the attack on forward runs.

Player Profile: Georgio George

Striker. Can run, jump, and dribble. if that's all a striker needs, he's got it.

Comments: I liked his attitude, but he's a bit clumsy. Worth a tryout since he's a just around the corner from the club.

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The following post-it note was attached to an unopened letter found in Mattimosi Janz' files.


Be careful. Your phone call to ****** didn't help matters. He was mighty ticked that you called him about your cousin. I think you might be on thin ice. <smeared writing> cuts have been <smeared smeared>.

Have you stopped drinking? The paper said you had to be carried home from the pub the other night. Try and stay sober in Malta, I can't watch out for you anymore."

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> His dad was reputedly Brazilian club side player who migrated to Faroe in the 80s to work in the oil industry.


Yep, that's right. Many's a time that Papa, or Santinho Lopes as he was known to the world of football, sat his 14 kids in a semi-circle aroung him and told us of his main claim to fame: he once dared the great Socrates to smoke an entire box of 300 contraband cigarettes he had just bought, all in one go. Papa won the bet, Socrates falling an agonising 11 fags short. The next morning, despite never having smoked before, and the raging sickness in his lungs and stomach, had a mysterious urge for a cigarette...

Santinho Lopes:

Apps: 1(5)

Goals: 0

Assists: 0

Avg. rating: 6.15

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The following are handwritten notes detailing Mattimosi Janz scouting trip to Malta. These were clearly never tranferred to a more formal report:

Pablo Hero-Garcia - check spelling. Central defender. Age 18. Good positional sense, good in the air. Nice looking sister. Recommended local pub. Slower than I am after breaking my leg. Good work rate. I owe him for 2 (or 3) rounds. Gave IOU. Avoid personal meeting for same.

Goalkeeper, Eltanad Tanis. decent net-minder. shows good decision making. <unreadable>

Bap Zamper, Striker. Speedy forward who likes to dribble. Can't hold his liquor, but is only 15. Mother likely to kill me on sight for taking her kid to the pub with the other Maltese prospects. Comes through in the clutch, kicked bouncer well when he tried to kick us out of the bar. Luckily, agile enough not to land on his head when said bouncer tossed us into the street.

Yo Buffro, defensive midfielder. Don't bother reporting. tipped off Juve scout for <unreadable> Euros. Remind Juve scout to put in a good word for me at his club. Buffro is an ambitous punk.

Shambles. Talked striker out of moving to Australia. Now likely to punch me on sight. Give good scouting report to club just in case. Ex: scores well, good pace, jumping and other physical atttributes. suprisingly professional.

other: pawned watch on <unreadable> street. Send Tanis back when back in funds. Remember to pay back Tanis for hospital bill. Write apology for his broken nose.

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More notes from the files of Janz:

"Your rent is past due. Pay up. And throw away your empty bottles."

"Stop calling this office. You don't work here anymore."

"Mr. Janz, it is our pleasure to inform you that we will offer you the position of manager for the footballing branch of our sport club in Novalja. While some of the reports we have received from your former employers have not been the best, we were very impressed by the phone call we received from someone at the Juventus organization. We think you are the man for the job here at Novalja.

Please ignore all previous wire reports that we had offered the managerial position to anyone else. You know how these rumor-mongers like their stories.

We can send a boat at your convenience. One of the local businessmen has a regular route delivering cargo to Italy from here. (Just don't ask too many questions, he's a really private person.)

Signed <unreadable>

P.S. Don't open any of the packages on the boat either."

"You owe me money. I expect a check in the mail by next week. I know where you live -- P H-G"

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We're looking pretty good - the Jarman-von Richtofen partnership is going to be damn good.

Better be nice to me, lads - looks like I'm going to be your captain one day icon_razz.gif

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Lucky Pants bemoans the lack of decent elastic for his shorts in Luxembourg, but is pleased to note that he has been scouted by a man with equal drinking capacity to his father, the legendary Big Pants.

He is, however, concerned that Herman Toothrot may be a better winger than Lucky, and is wishing that he's bothered to include crossing the ball as one of his stats.

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The following text was printed from a web bulletin board, and included in Janz' notebooks:


Member Name: MUFC Fan for Ever

Who is Giuseppi Rashi? We bid for him I heard

Member Name: Owen's Balls

Who cares? He's gonna suck.

Member Name: Sweet16gurl

See nekkid pics of me here: <edited>

Member Name: Arsenal Fan

He's Ferguson's love child.

Member Name: Henry for PM


Member Name: coolkid8140

Whaver dood. icon_rolleyes.gif

Member Name: Serious Football Fan

He's supposed to be pretty good. I think he's from sdan marino.

Member Name: Soccer is for Wussies

Dan Marino kicks ***. You losers need to watch real man's football



clipped news items from unknown papers, translated where necessary:

"Dinamo have bid for youth player von Richtofen."

"Unknown player von Richtofen, from Denmark, has been also targeted by Sampdoria."

"Luxembourg player Rikjard Den rooster has agreed to terms with lower division Spanish club Jaen."

"Racing lost out on their bid for Faroe Islander Santos L. Halper to Sedan."

"Eugen Hach needs to go! It's clear that Greuther Furth needs a higher profile manager if the best he can get is a Faroe Islander, Jon Walker. With the available talent on the market, we should have no need to look like a small club scouring the bottom of the barrel...."

"Ejido have signed a striker from San Marino. Player's name has yet to be confirmed."

"Corrections: We mistakenly reported yesterday that Nimes had signed a youth goalkeeper named Madcap. The player's correct position is midfielder."

Handwritten note: Shambles has signed with Sibenik. AVOID SIBENIK!

"Interviewer: So Mr. Wassilew, any new signings we should watch for this season at Union Berlin?

G. W.: Yes. Quite a few, we've picked up a nifty winger who should be fun to watch. Toothrot is his name. and then there is also..."

"No-one seems quite sure who this Raschi player is, but Sir Alex Ferguson has brought him into the Manchester United set-up. The club outbid 8 other interested clubs of Europe, including Niort, Amiens, and AIK."

"Slaven Belupo have signed Gilles Lefty"

"Recent Signings:

Hercules - Ulrich Von, Liechtenstien international"

Minor headline in section titled "Strange News": "Jesus comes to Italy. It took long enough, but citizens of Cagliari might be let down..."

"... Brian Green has also signed here at Union Berlin. We had a lot of competition for him."

"Roma continue splurge of buying with yet another free transfer, this time one from Faroe named von Richtofen. What is going on?"

"Local police today arrested a young man for exposing himself in public in downtown Braunschweig. The young man claimed his pants had accidentally fallen down as he stepped of the bus, and that if they would just let him talk to his club, he could clear things up. Police say they are keeping the youth under observation until his identity can be verified."

Typewritten note: "He signed. Thanks. Now we're square. Don't talk to me again. Your ex-friend at Juve."

"Non-league club Lubeck have signed San Marino player Maximo Janz."

"Mannheim were luckily released from a strange transfer today as Luxembourg 'striker' Allan Juel Hansen failed a medical. The club thankfully gets to avoid another 'hot prospect' disaster."

"Coventry beat out 8 other clubs for a hot goalkeeper. Sounds good right, but the goalkeeper's name is Tanis Eltanad. We're really wondering about this one."

"Pablo Hiura-Garcia contacted the Huddersfield times today saying he was pleased to have joined an English side. Would someone who knows who Hiura-Garcia is please let us know?"

"Monaco signings - Allan Juel Hansen (details unknown)"

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More newspaper clippings:

"Slaven Belupo 1 Rijeka 2

Slaven Belupo line-up:

Ivica Solomun ©

Mijenko Kovacic

Ivan Medvid (off 66)

Stipe Bosnjak

Pavo Crnac


Drazenko Bogdan

Mislav Karoglan - 1 Goal

Renato Jurcec (off 37)

Mario Dodik

Stipe Balajic (off 66)

Frane Amiziz (on 66)

Peter Bosnjak (on 37)

Gilles Lefty (on 66)..."

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">"Mannheim were luckily released from a strange transfer today as Luxembourg 'striker' Allan Juel Hansen failed a medical. The club thankfully gets to avoid another 'hot prospect' disaster."

"Monaco signings - Allan Juel Hansen (details unknown)" </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

During an interview to local french newspaper, due to his resent signing at Monaco, Luxembourg striker Allan Juel Hansen was asked why he failed his medical check at Mannheim, his answer: "Amateur club!!! First they sign me, then suddenly find out they don't want me and ditch because of a 'medical' problem......yeah right!!!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by attjen:

Minor headline in section titled "Strange News": "Jesus comes to Italy. It took long enough, but citizens of Cagliari might be let down..." </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

icon14.gif Only a short trip till i make it to Rome icon_biggrin.gif

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Just to add to chorus of cheers for attjen - wit and originality to add to what's a great idea to begin with. icon14.gif

Still haven't figured out what "kutgw" means, though...

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Great start Attjen icon14.gif, but Jimbo seems tio have been added and then deleted from the list at the last minute icon_frown.gif.

Enjoying it anyway icon14.gif.

Did you notice that Lucky Pants is quick and has good acceleration? That just isn't physically possible with all that weight at the rear. We all knew he could dribble though icon_wink.gif.


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More clippings from the files of Mattimosi Janz:

"Despite winning handily, Yugoslavia will not be satisfied in giving up a loose goal to their Northern Sea opponents. Debut player von Liechtenstein scored in the 63rd minute, exposing that Dusan Petkovic may not be up for international level play."

"Questionable substitution pattern from the Jaen manager over the weekend, bringing in rookie Den Rooster only to sub him later in the match."

"Cultral 2 Ejido 1 ...

Substitutions: Braulio (on 65), George (on 70), Garitano (on 76)"

"In other cup results, Braunschwieg beat Bielefeld, during which young Lucky Pants earned his first assist."


Various match reports clipped from unkown papers. Highlighted names listed below only:

"Faroe Islands 2 Luxembourg 3

Faroe Islands squad:

Santos L. Halper

Ulrich von Liechtenstein


Brian Greene

Rikjard Den Rooster"

"Malta 0 Bulgaria 1

Malta squad:

Pablo Hiura-Garcia

Eltanad Tanis"

"Faroe 0 Russia 3

Faroe Squad:

Santos L. Halper

Ulrich von Liechtenstein"

"Luxembourg 0 Switzerland 1

Luxembourg squad:

Brian Greene (yellow, MOM)

Rikjard Den Rooster"

"Czech Republic 2 Malta 1

Malta Squad:

Eltanad Tanis

Pablo Hiura-Garcia"


A pamphlet/program for a San Marino vs Croatia friendly, with the result (3-0 for Croatia) handwritten. Mattimosi Janz has written San Marino's starting line-up in the margin:

"Vittorino Trovalusci GK

Herman Toothrot DMR

Fernando Danzo DMR

Sabato © DC

Gennarino Ganau DC

Giuseppe Raschi DC

Madcap MC

Maximo Janz MC

Giacomo Bologna MC

Andy Selva FC

Paul Ciagiuna FC"

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Random clippings:

"on 60, Santos L. Halper"

"Luxembourg International Rikjard Den Rooster scored after comingon in the 59th minute to help lead Jaen past Albacete in Spanish Division 2. The young player pounced on a Sierra freekick that bounced off the upright and buried it for his first Jaen goal. He was later given the MOM award for his fine game."

"Slaven Belupo continue their find form in the Croatian league. New signing Lefty was the latest to contribute to the scoring by scoring a simple rebound goal in the win over Zagreb."

"Transferred in: Lorient, Bap Zamber (nationality unknown)"

Clipped Match Results:

"Slovenia 1 Faroe Islands 1"

"Yugoslavia 3 Luxembourg 1"

"Malta 0 N. Ireland 2"

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Handwritten page:

Lucky Pants - Braunschweig, 250k

Jesus Jarman - Cagliari, 725k

Eltanad Tanis - Coventry, 725k

Georgio George - Ejido, 80k <STRIKE>(Maybe next year?)</STRIKE>

Jon Walker - Greuther Furth, 325k

Ulrich von Liechtenstein - Hercules, 180k

Pablo Hiura-Garcia - Huddersfield, 350k

Rikjard Den Rooster - Jaen, 110k

Yo Buffro - Juventus, 1.8MILLION (!!!! Need bigger cut, try X at Juve again...)

Bap Zamber - <STRIKE>(called twice, no answer)</STRIKE> Contract offered? Board says no more foreign.... Lorient, 400k

Maximo Janz - Lubeck 250k

Giuseppe Raschi - Man United (!!), 2.4Million

Allan Juel Hansen - Monaco, 1.1Million

Madcap - Nimes, 525K

Barren von Richtofen - Roma (!!), 2.1Million

Santos L. Halper - Sedan, 700k

Shambles - Sibenik, 90k (Target if promoted, loan rejected, try again later)

Gilles Lefty - Slaven Belupo, 220k (already priced out of range with recent games)

Brian Greene - Union Berlin, 600k

Herman Toothrot - Union Berlin, 800k

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"Manchester United fans will be unhappy that their team fell 1-0 to Dynamo Kiev. They will be questioning the decision to start rookie Giuseppe Raschi for the European game."

"Guegnon 2 Nimes 2...

Madcap (on 79)"

"Andorra 2 San Marino 3

San Marino squad:

Herman Toothrot

Giuseppe Raschi ©


Maximo Janz"

"Armenia 1 Luxembourg 1

Luxembourg squad:

Briane Greene

Rijkard Den Rooster"

"Faroe Islands 2 Azerbaijan 1

Faroe Islands Squad:

Santos L. Halper

Ulrich von Liechtenstein"

"Moldova 2 Malta 4

Malta squad:

Eltanad Tanis

Pablo Hiura-Garcia (1 Assist)"

"Ejido's Georgio George earned MOM over the weekend for scoring 1 goal and assisting the other in his club's 2-1 win over Extremadura. The San Marino player has been one of the early suprises of the season, particularly his aerial prowess."

"In other news, the loss to Bielefeld also saw the debut of one of Union Berlin's new signings: Herman Toothrot"

"Jarman scored from a Lopez freekick to open the scoring...."

"A fine weekend for Huddersfield as the club won easily at home 3-0 against Weymouth. The team was particularly impressive at every position including center-back which saw the debut of Hiura-Garcia."

"Hannover cruised to a 3-1 victory over Union Berlin, getting bast Berlin's back line of Kremenliev, Makela, Greene, and Ernemann."

"... Juventus brought in rookie Yo Buffro for Tacchinardi in the 76th, but held onto win 3-2 over Bologna...."

"Burgos 2 Ejido 2...

...The opening goal was a nice piece of indivual play from youngster Georgio George, beating a player a striking the ball in low with his left foot...

...MOM: Georgio George (2 goals)..."

"Slaven Belupo continue to be on form in the league, Lefty giving the club a 2-01 win over Zadar."

"...The loss to Bologna also saw the debut of Faroe Islander Barren von Richtofen..."

"...The easy win had its consequences as Ivica Olic and Lacombe were both injured (Givet and Juel Hansen replaced them during the game)...

"Ejido fans can at least take comfort in the recent form of striker Georgio George who continued an impressive first professional season by scoring 2 against Ferrol. Hopefully the team can find a way off the bottom of the Spanish Division 2 table."

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more news clippings:

"Ejido have found a true rising star in their San Marino youth Georgio George. The teenager continues to be on blistering good form, scoring the only 2 goals in Ejido's win over Numancia."

"... Defender Greene's header in the 22nd gave Union Berlin a brief lead, but Frankfurt came back well to win the match..."

"Greene scored on a header from a corner kick in the 69th minute to even the game, as Unterhaching and Union Berlin drew 3-3."

"The nightmare game for Lens got even worse as even young Luxembourg hopeful Juel Hansen found a way to get the ball into the net in the 84th minute. The Lens' manager had to be displeased by the lack of defensive cover..."

"Coventry will be very pleased that in his debut game, young Maltese keeper Eltanad Tanis held Bradford scoreless. The player has recently claimed the Maltese international spot in the nets, despite his young age."

"Ejido 2 Recreativo 1

George (2 goals)"

"Union Berlin opened the scoring with a low drive from young defender Greene...."

"Sibenik 0 Hajduk 4...

Shambles (on 59)..."

"Sibenik 5 Cibalia 0...

Shambles - Assist..."

"Dinamo were briefly threatened in the 73rd minute when Shambles tied the game for Sibenik, but Dinamo scored twice more to cruise to a 3-1 victory."

"Ejido will be without newfound striker George who was injured in the 3-1 win over Nastic, after scoring twice in the first 57 minutes."

"Cup Semifinal first leg:

Slaven Belupo 4 Sibenik 1

... Although Shambles opened the scoring in the 3rd minute...."

"Andorra 1 Malta 6

Malta Squad:

Eltanad Tanis

Pablo-Hiura Garcia (2 assists)

Yo Buffro"

"Azerbaijan 1 Luxembourg 1

Luxembourg squad:

Briane Greene

Lucky Pants

Rikjard Den Rooster - Assist"

"Faroe Islands 1 Armenia 1

Faroe Squad:

Santos L. Halper

Jon Walker (MOM)

Ulrich von Liechtenstein"

"Moldova 1 San Marino 2

San Marino squad:

Herman Toothrot

Giuseppe Raschi ©


Maximo Janz"

"Huddersfield pushing for play-off spot... good defensive work from Pablo Hiura-Garcia, and a hattrick from Delroy Facey..."

"Transfer news: After less than a year at the club, Jaen have agreed to terms with GBA to transfer Rikjard den Rooster to the Belgian club."

"Aremenia 1 Faroe Islands 2

Faroe squad:

Santos L. Halper

Jon Walker"

"Luxembourg 0 Azerbaijan 1

Luxembourg squad:

Brian Greene

Lucky Pants

Rikjard Den Rooster"

"Malta 4 Moldova 2

Malta squad:

Eltanad Tanis

Pablo Hiura-Garcia (2 assists, MOM)

Yo Buffro"

"San Marino 2 Andorra 0

San Marino squad:

Herman Toothrot

Giuseppe Raschi ©


Maximo Janz:

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