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Changing graphics directories


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Hello all,

Quick question- for years I've used FM custom graphics. I know they belong in C:\Users\Documents\SportsInteractive\...etc. This year I don't want all those graphics files hogging my SSD C:\ drive. I'd rather them go into my empty E:\ drive that holds 1TB of empty space at the moment. Is it possible to somehow redirect the game to find my graphics in my E:\ drive and not look for it in my C:\ drive? So for I've had no success. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Goto the Preferences menu on the right is a section called Saving Location, change this location to point to where your custom graphics are stored (don't point to the graphics folder point to its parent).

Once confirmed you might need to restart FM for the changes to take affect, you might also want to move over the rest of the content that was stored in the default location (save game, tactics etc...) so you can still access them.

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