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Fm 16 - new idea

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I've always wanted to see this in FM.. after every season you finish , you'll get to choose to change at least the colour of the kits. Not the sponsors , just at least the style of the kit and it's colours.. preferably in the 3D match too.. because I get boring playing 5 seasons with the same kits .... Hopefully SI will do this someday.

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Not sure why I was edited or how I wasn't playing nice, could you PM a reason why I was edited and what I did wrong there. I understand you're not under an obligation to do so, but I didn't feel I was being mean or not playing nice there at all.

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Not being smart, but it usually comes out when it's ready. That means that they will post the new features once they have them ready enough to be released. It could be 6 months, 3 months, 2 weeks before it's announced.

There's not even confirmation there will be a FM16, but we all expect there will be. And usually new features are released in a forum post, simply when they're ready to announce the new features all in one go.

Given that a trial of the game comes out 2 weeks before the game, and presuming Beta testing begins about 2 months prior to this - then I'd say about 10 weeks before it's announced.

What day it's announced for release is anyones guess. Most of the games are released end of October start of November. So expect to hear an announcement 6-12 weeks prior to this.

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There's not even confirmation there will be a FM16, but we all expect there will be.

Don't be so negative :p

Miles repeatedly tells people it'll be out 'before Christmas' as it is every year and dynamic rivalries has already been announced. There will be a FM16.

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It's Football Manager......

Sorry if my answer was a little short.

This conversation happens about twice a year, and it's already been discussed heavily.

New people to the forum often think it's a great idea, but oldies like me have seen this debated to kingdom come.

Basically it comes down to a few things, but for me and plenty of others, it's not a graphical game, it never has been and oldies like me want to see them improve so many things rather than "waste time" on features that are neither needed or wanted (by the masses).

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I'm particularly sure this is a forum, a place to discuss ideas, and everyone can say anything they like, whether you like it or not. I'm entitled to my opinion and I stand by it. And the fact it has been discussed numerous times and shot down means an awful lot.

I'm pretty sure I can voice my opinion here as long as I'm not being rude or dismissive to another forum user. I appreciate your input, but I am annoyed that you are picking on my posts and editing them without a valid reason.

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To be honest, I wouldn't mind a kit editor in the game. It just brings up lots of other issues, like if you change your kit how do you not have a kit clash in the 3D game, that's an awful lot of coding to ensure that your new solid red kit doesn't clash with another solid red kit that the ai did, lets face it, if you can make the kit change so can the AI.

I remember SI spent a lot of time ensuring that there were no kit clashes, and the main problem was with wearing black jerseys the referee also had a black jersey.

It's not just the players, that's the issue. There's a lot to say about adding a kit editor, but it adds a lot of complexity to the game which needs a lot of coding. And with all coding there are issues and they need to be worked out.

All this extra time to figure out how to get kits not to clash can be spent on improving other areas of the game.

It's fine to say to add a kit editor - but there's just too much work in it to make the kit look like it has hoops or stripes or solid...

There are plenty of kits available to download though and the OP could perhaps research those.

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True football manager would have no say or input on a new kit and how it will look, but what is fact in football is that teams kits change from season to season, especially away tops, so i would assume having this in game as REALISTIC and true to the simulation of football, and no am not saying we the manager should be able to edit strips, what i am saying is it would be true to the football sim for teams to change the color of away strips for instance every season.

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