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Finances - Board Vs. Sugar Daddy-type

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Hi all

I've tried to take a look for the answer to a few question I have but have not been able to see anything as yet.

In the game if a club that is run by a board with Directors etc (Barca. Real M) runs into debt then a loan is arranged.

How would a club with a Sugar Daddy-type owner (Man City, Chelsea, PSG,) deal with the same situation in the game?

How does FFP link into this?

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From what I remember there are three types of "Sugar Daddys", I think they are:

One is front end where you'll get given loads of money up front.

One will give you a big budget compared to what you have in the bank and keep topping the bank up to keep it around the same level.

The third I think is more behind the scenes and only gives you money if you get into loads of debt.

Don't quote me on those though.

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