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Youth being purchased despite rejecting offers?

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I'm playing in the German Second division and on transfer deadline day I started receiving transfer offers for some of my youth players (aged 15).

I rejected the offers, since the players have very high potential and I want to develop them. And that worked just fine.

Upon the third or so offer I had to reject I set it to 'reject all offers'.

Soon after I get a notification that for two of my players teams had offered contracts to them - and I had no option to reject. Then, of course, the deals were sealed and I lost my two most promising youngsters on 'free transfers', although I was given some compensation.

What is going on? Are teams just allowed to poach my youth even if I explicitly reject the offers?

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They were just on Youth contracts - I was wondering if that was the issue. But then it is odd that I was receiving 'transfer' offers in the first place.

although now that I look back at it, for the most part the transfer offers were for less than what I was compensated (or, in one case, it was a bit more, but not all up front). So I guess that was the reason?

Lesson learned... sign my really promising youths to pre-contracts ASAP, eh? This is the first season they have been so good that first division teams came to poach them.

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