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I changed the home grown rule in England to 15 but teams aren't doing it?

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I have gone on holiday until the end of the Winter transfer window expecting the big teams to be selling players and buying up English talent. However this is Man City, who are currently top:


There's even a red exclamation mark to suggest they aren't following it, so how come they can get past it? Other clubs are the same.

Any ideas?

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The right hand column shows that the 8 HG player rule is being applied, either there is a bug in the editor that does not allow the rule to be changed or you have missed something in your edit. Could be worth enquiring in the editors forum.

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Okay so I think I've done it, although I have simmed the first season and up to the summer transfer window 2015. The clubs are not signing any English players still, but also not selling the players they aren't registering. Bit weird to be honest. Man City spent £31M on Laporte but didn't register him..

Will let it run some more to see if anything else happens. But yeah so far they are signing players and just leaving a bunch of players unregistered, but they don't appear to be unhappy. Will sim to end of season and see what happens.

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You might also want to add in some extra control through the nation transfer preferences as the transfer AI will still be using the free reign system that is set for England & might be unable to cope with such a significant change to the squad rules in a single transfer window or season.

If you do decide to change some of the nation transfer preferences a lower value reduces the likelihood of clubs looking for players in that nation or continent while also reduces the interest of the players in moving to England, a -1 value sets the transfer AI to no business between those nations & -2 is to make moves very rare but not impossible.

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