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Newgens & Dynamic League Rep

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While dynamic league rep is a very nice feature of FM, I don't think hockey needs it? Hockey doesn't change at the pace that football does. The NHL will be the top league and the top 5 nations will stay the same for the foreseeable future. But this is a game and nor real life so it would be fun if it were to be put in the game.

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While dynamic league rep is a very nice feature of FM, I don't think hockey needs it? Hockey doesn't change at the pace that football does. The NHL will be the top league and the top 5 nations will stay the same for the foreseeable future. But this is a game and nor real life so it would be fun if it were to be put in the game.

Check the difference in league reputation from EHM07 to EHMEA. Some huge differences there, albeit the biggest is probably the KHL over the RSL, which may not be such a normal event. But, there has been movement amongst the top 5 nations in their order, and a narrowing of the gap from NHL to Europe.

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Some thoughts on dynamic league reputation...

Wasn't FM in development for many years (in a row) before dynamic league reputation was introduced? As compared to EHM:EA being in early access as a resurrected game on it's 4th version in 11 years.....I just seriously wonder about prioritizing it highly at this time (i.e. as something needed before playing the game)

And the other thought is about the changing TBL Reputations, in particular the RSL/KHL.....not everyone agrees with all those changes (I never did), and the RSL/KHL seems to have been based on the contract dollars more than the player/league talent changing (and as one who can remember the 1970s the Russian League had way more top talent in it then IMO than it does now, and the top handful of countries have been at the top for decades IMO, so I myself don't see things as very dynamic at all)

For me, I think it's a cool idea, but it's low on the priority list and I sure hope that it'd be optional as I suspect I myself would not like it/want it

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  • SI Staff

Dynamic league reputations took a long while to develop even for FM, so they are not currently in the immediate plans. It would be a massive undertaking to come up with a solid system that would keep the game world balanced in the long term, so at the moment it is not in the cards.

Edit: Also, because of the way hockey leagues are not competing with each other as directly as they are in football, where there are a lot more continental competitions etc. any dynamic league system would only really affect the European leagues that take part in continental competitions. North American leagues which don't really play competitive games against other leagues, couldn't really have their reputations be affected due to individual team performance. So the league reputations would be static anyways. The only way they could change really, would be non-sport factors such as financial factors, which wouldn't really fall into the dynamic league reputations system as they would require a vastly more complicated financial modelling.

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Maybe some tweaking could be done by simulating economical situations in different countries? Up & downs affect to business conditions and it should make a difference how much a team can expect to get sponsorship and ticket fees. It would also make leagues more dynamic; less money to use on players generally means a lower quality and vice versa.

Naturally, I don't expect a full scale Wall Street simulator or Europa Universalis added on game engine to achieve this, but would like to see macro level economy dynamics in the game to keep player (even more) on his toes.

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