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issue when testing added leagues


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hello all, i hope you can help me, i am trying to create a new DB for portuguese competitions, like, instead of having minor leagues splitted in groups, i used all portuguese teams that were present in DB and added a couple more just to complete the teams list, now portuguese competions are splitted from 1st league to 20th, i have 20 teams playing from 1st league to 9th and 24 teams from 10th to 20th. DB was working fine but i noticed that from league 3 to league 9 championship was finishing in january, when i tried to fix this by putting all the 20 leagues to start in 20thaugust 2014 and finishing 27th may 2015, new issue popped out, when i test rules it says 15th league was not complete by the time season updates, how can i fix this? another thing it´s not working is about "B" teams, even when i edited all of them to be able to play same division as A team, and allowing "b" teams to be promoted to every leagues, i noticed that some are promoted while others, despite winning the league they are in, they aren´t promoted, any ideas about this? thank you so much in advance.

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Probaly you left the season update date with the default value (1 January). Try by setting it on the 1 July. However this date must be out of the range of league's dates (20 August 2014 / 27 May 2015).

No idea about the second issue because I have not experience with B teams

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The editor tests leagues one by one, and give you the warning at the first error detected. When there is an error, it stop immediately the continuation of the test, failing to verify the subsequents leagues. So I can suppose that the 15th league is the first in the verifying process, and this can be the reason that you receive the warning only about this league and not also for the others.

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yes, i figured that could be it, the weard part is that 15th league had the same setting as in 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, so i was wandering why it found an error in 15th and not in any of the other ones mencioned above.

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