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Ownership type?


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What is difference between:

1. Public limited company

2. Limited liability company

3. Member owned (elections)

4. Member owned (no elections)

How this options effect in game?

Also whats gonna be if i choose blank option for ownership-lot of clubs dont have this set.

Thanks in advance!

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What is difference between:

1. Public limited company

2. Limited liability company

3. Member owned (elections)

4. Member owned (no elections)

How this options effect in game?

Also whats gonna be if i choose blank option for ownership-lot of clubs dont have this set.

Thanks in advance!

Limited Liability Company (LTD); means that a person’s financial liability is limited to a fixed sum. Most British clubs fall under this category.

Public Limited Corporation (PLC); if the club is a public (floated) limited company (e.g. West Ham, West Brom, Norwich, Juventus, Porto, Lyon, Ajax), this field should be used to indicate that, rather than the obsolete “PLC” field.

Member Owned (Elections); if the club is owned by its members. (includes those clubs run by a “Supporters Trust”).and the club holds public elections for positions on the club’s board.

Member Owned (No Elections); if the club is owned by its members, but there is no election to decide the board of officials (e.g. English clubs owned by a Supporters Trust).

I would assume that leaving it blank will set it to be Limited Liability Company (LTD).

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I added my old village once as a Member Owned with elections, i never managed them i just wanted to watch them rise, the elections always brought in someone who would invest, David Sullivan was President for two years, declared to build a new stadium 'David Sullivan Areana' by the time it was built he was voted out! Lol

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21 hours ago, Bootador said:

Huge bump but if I wanted to add a sugar daddy with minimal chance of leaving over day 30 years would foreground sugar daddy for member owned no elections be the best bet?

I would probably go for Limited liability company. Make sure the individual has favoured club settings and board confidence is set to 200. You could also add some directors linked to the chairman so that there is a chance a in-house takeover will happen.

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