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Away matches

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Does someone find a fix for the away matches issue ? I have like 20 seasons in FM15 and i'm always second place because i lose too many away matches. I don't even think about winning a cup like Uefa Champions League while being destroyed on away matches. I've tried everything (tactics, tweaks, instructions, buying top players) at this point with no results whatsoever. If the game is broken why they don't provide a fix for that ? FM15 is the only version of the game with this issue.

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There isn't an away match issue. they are certainly more difficult than home matches but that's as it should be,

If you want to investigate & address why you're dropping so many points away from home then head over to the tactic forum, provide details of your tactical approach to matches & if you make changes when playing away, might also be worth providing examples of how the opposition lines up against you along with the match save (pkm file).

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