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NHL entry drafts full of useless players year after year.

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Current date is June 2020, have just finished my 5th draft and this has been the worst of all. The #1 pick was a 5-6 D man, #2 3rd line O man, #3 a limited potential D man. I picked 27th and had to pick up a checking 3rd liner, the best player available. The drafts before were the same, full of 3rd line O men and 5-6 D men, and the draft before was about the same also. Are others finding this, a first round pick should be able to tie his own skates! I chose a #40 for the 27th because he at least could score 25 points, it is no wonder now that every team is offering 1st round picks in trades, something I never noticed before in EHM07, but is very common in EA.

I had 5 scouts out scouting the draft all year, scouts all have potential ratings of 85+, ability of 85+ and they can only find about fifty 3 star players and the rest 2 star and lower, this is getting so bad that I almost just let the AI pick the players, none of them will make the team. Oh yes, the also found a 3 star player (5 scouts each rating at 3 stars) but their notes said "limited potential, will never make the team", yet 3 stars??

At this rate it will not be too long before the league is full of 3rd line players and 5-6 D men.:rolleyes:

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Checked the patch list, didn't see anything listed about the draft. These were the picks for the 2020 first round draft:

1st line: 3

3rd line: 13

4th line: 3

5-6 D men: 5

7 D men: 1

Limited Pot: 2

Backup Goalie: 1

Third string: 2

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Thursday's patch

Gameplay changes:


- Added support for foreign player rule being based on national team eligibility

- Adjustments to player attribute generation and progression

I am using patch 15.13.0b and the draft was just done today (Sept 26 pacific time), so if it is suppose to be fixed...it isn't. In fact it was worse than the draft before.

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Shouldn't have to start a new game plus that would suck. Not going to dump my Bluejackets' game that I have been GM'ing since 2015 and have now taken them from bottom feeders to Stanley Cup playoff (lost game 7). Just finished draft 2022...still crap players.

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Shouldn't have to start a new game plus that would suck. Not going to dump my Bluejackets' game that I have been GM'ing since 2015 and have now taken them from bottom feeders to Stanley Cup playoff (lost game 7). Just finished draft 2022...still crap players.

You don't HAVE start a new save but don't expect results right away with a save already in progress. 2022 is only 2 years later from when you reported about the first weak drafts...You might not see results until the 2023 draft when new generated player (under the new patch) will start becoming NHL draft eligible. But you might even see a "weak draft" in 2023 because not every draft is suppose to be filled with superstar talent.

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Understood, next draft is the 3 year mark, I have made sure all my picks I am getting are for 2024. Rather crappy that 6 scouts called a guy a 1st line center, you draft him, and then in 1 year he goes to limited talent, will never make the team. Almost seems like a scouting bug too.

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So I started a brand new game (TBL Rosters). I am in 2030. Here are the star/superb/very good players in the 15 years I've simmed for the FIRST round:

4 2015

3 2016

2 2017

0 2018

0 2019

0 2020

0 2021 (1 in 2nd round)

0 2022

0 2023 (1 in 7th round)

0 2024

0 2025

0 2026

0 2027

0 2028

0 2029

0 2030

I don't know the solution, but this is crazy. It's not the fact there are no good players in the first couple picks, but there are NO good players ANYWHERE. I still love this game and I will still continue to play this (1,200 hours counting!)

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Yea its been known that the game lacks players with high reputation levels and the knock on effect is bigger once the game is filled with all fake players because as of now the rep levels do not increase with good play.

How are the players looking from an attribute stand point? Are the scouts saying that majority of the players are 3rd liners and below like the OP said?

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Yea its been known that the game lacks players with high reputation levels and the knock on effect is bigger once the game is filled with all fake players because as of now the rep levels do not increase with good play.

How are the players looking from an attribute stand point? Are the scouts saying that majority of the players are 3rd liners and below like the OP said?

Here are the last 10 #1 overall picks:











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Yes, this is with the newest patch.

I thought the 13b patch was suppose to fix these lame ducks, now I think I will keep my guys who "might make it some day" since the drafts are going to be full of "can't make it" going #1 overall.

Corsi going #1? Has a great wrist shot, doesn't know where to stand on the ice, average skater at best and can't pass. Third round pick if you ask me. I always use the 1-100 scores, give better detail and cross referencing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished the 2024 draft, the 4th draft since the 13b patch. Here is the first round breakdown:


1st: 9

2nd: 2

3rd: 11

4th: 0


1-2: 2

3-4: 0

5-6: 4

7: 0


Backup 2

To note is this, of the forwards all but 3 were 'checking' forwards and all the D men were 'defensive'. Starting goalies still do not exist and after the 3rd round all the players were 2 star or less.

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The 14 year olds should all be patch adjusted players now. Check out some of the prospects for the CHL draft as those guys will generate with better starting attributes. I think most Euro players generate at age 17 so they don't get the extra years of development prior to entering the NHL draft. The starting attributes and player progression can improve more but it is better than it was previously.

I think some players (Blue Chippers) should enter the game with more developed mental and physical attributes to make up for some of the sometimes terrible technical skills.

But I've seen promising results in a recent 10 year sim.

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Hi all; That is why I am posting and keeping this updated, so the developers, if they care too, can see how things are going. A few more 1st liners this time around, will update this post again in about another 4 years of draft time. Seems to be either 1st or 3rd, few 2nds or 3-4D men.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, just finished the 2028 draft and while there has been improvement there is still one big problem, there has not been a player ranked as a starting goalie yet since I started using EA.

First Round picks


1st 6

2nd 6

3rd 4


1-2 9

3-4 0

5-6 4


B 1

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