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Which City poduces the best newgens?


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Hey there,

I may ask myself if there is a fix number, from which city the newgens come from? For example Scotland, is there a fix number that newgens come the most from Glasgow or is this all random?

And the second is the quality of the newgens. From which city´s in Scotland come the best newgens`? Is that hardcoded or random?


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I'd say it could be related

obviously the likes of Glasgow is going to produce better newgens (generally) than the likes of Ayr, solely due to population (and attraction of the city - more people wanting to move there)

You're still likely to get players coming from elsewhere (I had a 196PA newgen come from Crewe), but I'd say it would be more likely to get a world beater coming from London

I would say that it's not solely dependent on the city, with the club(s) also having some effect on it (the likes of NewYork produce decent newgens because there are 2 clubs there, as opposed to 100+ in London [population being similar])

likewise you'd have better newgens at a club with international recruitment, rather than one with poor recruitment (a wider search pool)

all those are theories, but they make some sense to me

as said above though, it wouldn't be hardcoded to see good newgens always appear from Glasgow clubs (as you can influence it) but I'd put more emphasis on Celtic/Rangers when looking for newgens, rather than a more obscure team like Inverness (no offence)

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I'm pretty sure the newgens are only related to the clubs that produce them. So most newgens will always be from the city/town where the club is located - or its neighbouring towns.

Although there will probably be a bigger percentage of "outsiders" among the newgens in a big club, I would think that's because of the attraction of the club's youth academy and not the attraction of the city. But most big clubs are of course located in the bigger cities...

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Regens aren't tied to a city, or more accurately, the quality does not depend on which city they come from. It's more club-related. Without thinking too much into it, Dundee have probably had better success with young players than others, but then I'm pretty sure most of them weren't produced there.

It is not hard-coded though.

but I'd say it would be more likely to get a world beater coming from London

I would say that it's not solely dependent on the city, with the club(s) also having some effect on it (the likes of NewYork produce decent newgens because there are 2 clubs there, as opposed to 100+ in London [population being similar])

likewise you'd have better newgens at a club with international recruitment, rather than one with poor recruitment (a wider search pool)

I was going to say I disagreed, but you kind of pointed out what I was going to say anyway. I'd say you're more likely to get better players coming through outside of London through the sheer weight of clubs in the area. But then I've always found it to be completely random anyway. I don't think you can really form any kind of strategy, unless you want to just trawl.

as said above though, it wouldn't be hardcoded to see good newgens always appear from Glasgow clubs (as you can influence it) but I'd put more emphasis on Celtic/Rangers when looking for newgens, rather than a more obscure team like Inverness (no offence)

Glasgow clubs recent record with youth is pretty rotten, so I'd disagree with that on the face of it. Could be different in FM though. I still wouldn't limit to just looking at certain clubs. But then I wouldn't go trawling for newgens either I suppose.

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Hamilton have produced two gems on my save within 3 seasons. Do they have a decent youth setup ala Crewe?

Pretty good. They were responsible for the MacArthur, McCarthy combo that moved down South fairly early on, and have sold a couple of players for decent money.

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