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Common FM15 Bugs may not be evaluated yet

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Hi guys, since last update and after all i see this and i think fm should improve:

Players game engine ideas : when a midfielder passes to another the first fm engine idea is to make him pass to the oponent side, (not only midfielders but...)

If someone retreats and passes to the goalkeper, there is a possibility that he become INVISIBLE TO AUTO GOAL

players knowledge should be improved, there are a lot of long passes when teamates are closer

Goals close to the edges are not clearly seen, at least, you can not understand if the ball is a god or the post is invisible too .

Improvement: you know all, the fm is good when we make a lot of seasons. When a update comes we need to restart season to apply the data. Why not a: want to apply new players data , option in settings when a update is downloaded and recognised in game

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If you have examples with pkms and times when it happens you should post it in the bugs section. I'm not quite sure what bugs you are talking about though. As far as I can tell you feel players aren't passing the ball to the "correct" players? And something regarding back passes to the goalkeeper, but I don't understand the "invisible to auto goal"?

Anyway, if you can back it up with pkms you should post it in the bugs section. That way the QA-team can look at it and provide info to the developers who might fix it.

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Aha! I think I just translated the "invisible to auto goal". I think it's something along the lines of "unavoidable own goal" (Auto as in "self", though I'm guessing with the invisible-part). Though, I still can't say I've noticed it in any big way....

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guys, i have had situations in fm that a pass to the goalkeper turn him invisible and auto scores a goal, the defender or other teamate player. was what im talking about

I have a situation yesterday that when the ball keeps in the game the engine doesnt know in who the ball is in and asks: who is him??

The other is when some teamates are close and one pass to the oponnent side instead of passing to teamate

PS: im portuguese so if i make mistakes try to understand them cuz i have not much trainning in english speaking right now

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to je zelo glupo, kako pa bomo se pogovarjali če se vsak meni na svojem jeziku? ali obstaja kakšni prevodilec jaz pa za to ne vem?

Yes, but your English is fine. Others cannot convey what they need to in English, so they're the exception.

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to je zelo glupo, kako pa bomo se pogovarjali če se vsak meni na svojem jeziku? ali obstaja kakšni prevodilec jaz pa za to ne vem?

Zašto je glupo, bilo bi odlično kad bi mogli da pišemo na maternjem jeziku na ovom forumu. Lakše bi mogli da objasnimo koji problem imamo sa igrom. FM se igra širom sveta i verujem da im ne bi bio problem da nadju moderatore zadužene za teme koje su napisane na drugim jezicima.

Na primer, meni je jako teško da objasnim šta želim da postignem sa svojom taktikom na Engleskom je ne znam tačno njihovu gramatiku, pišem onako kako meni žvuči da je pravilno, a kad bi imali moderatore zaduženog za regije, Balkan recimo ( jer su tu skoro svi jezici isti ) mogao bih da napišem svoju temu na Srpskom a da je taj moderator prevede na Engleski sa pravilnom gramatikom, da bi oni koji čitaju mogli lakše da razumeju šta hoću da kažem.

Na primer otvorio sam temu za to što mi F9 nije dovoljno napadački nastrojena i nisam uspeo da objasnim da samo želim da F9 ide više u napad i da srednjaci pokušavaju lopte u prazno ka njemu umesto da šutiraju. Na kraju, nisam ni došao do rešenja svog problema jer ne mogu da objasnim pravilno na Engleskom šta želim. To bi isto dobro došlo i ovom dečku kad bi mogao da objasni na Portugalskom.

Postoji mnogo foruma na različitim jezicima ali ovaj je svakako najbolji i bio bi još bolji kad bi svoja pitanja mogli da postavljamo na našem jeziku.

edit: here is example, newest member on this forum is from my country, and he have problem with fm 2008 crash dump. I could talk with him about problem in his thread on our language, but i don't know is that allowed

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slazem se da bi bilo dobro, ali vidis, sad mi pricamo na nasem i svi ovi okolo pojma nemaju sta pricamo i brzo tema postane kaos. daleko od toga da ne bi bilo dobro. trebao bi neki instant translate button da ovo funkcionira. a moderator koji bi prevodio je znanstvena fantastika.

eto, nadam se da sam bio jasan.

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That's why folk should stick with posting in English unless they are having trouble conveying what they want to say, in that instance posting in their native language is no longer against the house rules,

Overly using your own language just for the sake of it might get you into bother though.;)

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sorry didn't want to get it close to the line. i welcome the emancipation of languages on the forum, however, it seems we have "lose-lose" situation here.

while it is good we can explain what we want in own language, there is usually limited number of people understanding the problem while it creates confusion on the board as we created here.

anyway, i hope it will help someone.

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The main benefit should be seen in the bugs forum & in particular the technical issues section, I do not expect that there will be any noticeable increase in people posting in their native language in other areas as I imagine this community will tend to only attract people who are confident in their use of English.

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Haha, barbaric lepo je videti ovde da neko jos zna moj jezik. Ne bi radio taj instant translate button jer nam se gramatika i vremena bas razlikuju, kad moj prosli post recimo prevedes sa google translate-om na Engleski nema nikakvog smisla. Ali dobro mozda ce u buducnosti biti neko resenje za to na forumu

- Ofc there will be no increase in people posting but it would be easier for us who don't know English grammar well. But ok, i don't have intention to write on my language, that with moderators - translators was just ( probably stupid ) idea :)

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That's why folk should stick with posting in English unless they are having trouble conveying what they want to say, in that instance posting in their native language is no longer against the house rules

Seriously?? :rolleyes:

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