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Please help troubleshoot! Crash when trying to load custom database


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Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me! I'm banging my head against a wall!

I spent an afternoon faffing about in the editor: basically I wanted a small pyramid where all the teams had the same everything, just to pit myself against the computer in an honest battle more than anything else.

I (stupidly) started out by deleting all the English clubs and stadia, thinking it would be easier to manage with effectively a clean slate, created 24 practically identical clubs, created a league system and a couple of toy cups, tested it and everything seemed to be going okay (the test validated successfully).

When I try to initialise the game though, FM just closes and I get a crash report that I've copied the interesting bit of here:

Thread 0 Crashed:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

0 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x00a51f8a GAME_CLUB_FINANCE::init_collective_squad_win_bonuses(DB::CLUB_FINANCE*) + 106

1 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x021354a6 DB::CLUB_FINANCE::setup(DB::CLUB*, bool, int) + 2342

2 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x0217bd7d DB::CLUB::upgrade_base_finance_to_full_finance(bool, bool) + 749

3 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x00112b8d PROCESS_CLUB_LOANS_AND_DEBTS::operator()(DB::STARTING_CLUB_DEBT*) const + 349

4 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x00110d07 void DB::DATABASE_TABLE<DB::STARTING_CLUB_DEBT>::process_each_record<PROCESS_CLUB_LOANS_AND_DEBTS>(PROCESS_CLUB_LOANS_AND_DEBTS const&) + 71

5 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x000ffba4 FINANCE_MANAGER::create() + 52

6 com.sigames.eur.FootballManager2015 0x0056aed4 GAME::setup_game(bool) + 2900

At first I assumed it was because I'd deleted hundreds of records, and I've no idea how to get them back without starting afresh (it took me hours to create all the teams and their (identical) stadia). If I could work that out maybe I could get a start. Looking at the trace though, it looks like FM is falling over when trying to sort out the club finances.

Has anyone got any idea what I could do to fix this? Is there a way to copy the entries and league system to a database where I haven't deleted everything? Have I just forgotten to fill out something important in the team finances?

I've put my fmf file here: http://we.tl/LvNaKedQZ6

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