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Choosing Team Shape

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On problem I find when setting up team tactics is choosing a team shape. I want to be a good tactician that gets the best from my players and can adapt to different opponents and conditions, not a manager with a rigid philosophy that is boy plays one way.

That being said I do have a preferred style, I appreciate good football and believe it should be entertaining nag for the fans as well as winning. I think my roll model would be Alex Ferguson, not as pragmatic as Mourinho or as purist as Wenger.

With this year n mind would I be sound in looking at my players Decision Making, Off the Balland and Positioning stats as marker as how they could cope withe the relitive freedom they are given? For example lower league players with poor stats or a weaker team in a division making them more structured then increasing freedom as I sign better players? Or am I looking at it in the wrong way?

I appreciate there is probably no right or wrong way to do it but the thoughts of other players would be welcome

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I have read that many a time, it's more just an enquirer in to how people use it. I have unfortunately not become as comfortable with the tactics creator as I was with constructing tactical sets with the old sliders. I have to get my head around thinking in the new way and making the changes I could see I was making in the new system. I think the old guide of the tt&f days were so much more in detail you could be guilty of following them, building good tactical sets and being successful without really understanding why and figuring it out yourself. The ambiguity of the tactical creator makes it more realistic in football terms and the new guide provide some good guidance but I have struggled to fill the gaps in and get consistent results. I was going to do a thread showing my tactics, some games and the changes I make so I could get some better advice but can't seem to load any screen shots up. I love the game, love The tactical side of football but can't get my ideas working as I would like as I could before

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