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[FM16] Tactic screen


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Indeed, i like the rest of the UI but dont understand why they changed from the Shirts to a (ugly) box.

It was changed for usability reasons, there is a video here from Miles explaining the change: https://twitter.com/FootballManager/status/642374311827734529 (Basically there just isn't the room at smaller resolutions to fit all the functionality people want onto the tactics screen).

If the underlying code for the tactics screen hasn't changed then you should be able to modify the graphics, however as graphics are resized dynamicaly by the game you'll be limited to what you can change them to whilst still fiting all the information inside the graphic.

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It was changed for usability reasons, there is a video here from Miles explaining the change: https://twitter.com/FootballManager/status/642374311827734529 (Basically there just isn't the room at smaller resolutions to fit all the functionality people want onto the tactics screen).

If the underlying code for the tactics screen hasn't changed then you should be able to modify the graphics, however as graphics are resized dynamicaly by the game you'll be limited to what you can change them to whilst still fiting all the information inside the graphic.

The trouble is I don't see the usability functions, the click the square and the player instructions appear to the left exactly like last year, for me it spoils what could be a perfect UI, the best in a very long time.

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The only change on the tactics screen i have noticed is that the role indication green circle is slightly larger.......that along with changing the shirt to a box.

So i see no need for the change still.

But then i only play at 1920x1080.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update, after extracting some of the xml files it looks like the tactics screen should be editable in a couple of ways.

NOTE: The below details are for advanced skinners/graphic makers to give them a starting point ahead of the full release, if you are wanting a simple file to download to change the tactics screen you will need to wait until after the full release when we have access to the full game files, at which point I'll try to get a full guide out talking you through what you need to do in more detail.

You can edit a line in one of the xml files to change the tactics pitch to make it act like the tactics pitch from the formations screen:


However you lose any of the extra functionality added in over the last few years, you can still move the players and right click to change the roles and left click to get the instructions but that is about it, though it may work for people who set their formation from the left hand players list rather than via the pitch.

The file that you need to edit is the 'tactics overview panel.xml' file (and the 'tactics overview panel match.xml' file for the match screens) which is found in the panels folder. ( haven't checked the FMTouch Mode so instructions for those skins might be different but should be in a similar format).

Locate the following line:


<widget class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" width="390" icon_flags="show_name,use_overview_icons,show_extra_details,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels">

And replace the bold code with this: use_player_kits_back so the line reads:


<widget class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" width="390" icon_flags="show_name,use_player_kits_back,show_extra_details,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels">

It might be possible to get more information back by messing around with other bits in that file, but I haven't had a chance to have a real look at it at the moment.

The other way you can edit the tactics screen is a bit more complicated but gives you some more control, as the player boxes are just controlled by graphics and can be changed in the same way you could change the shirt backs in previous versions, you just need to use a slight different line in the config file, an example line is:

<record from="55" to="graphics/pictures/nation/none/kits/back/goalkeeper/third/kitstyle/tactics/55"/>

Whilst the same line from FM15 would have looked like:

<record from="55" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/kits/back/goalkeeper/third/kitstyle/55"/>

As you can see the extra bit you need is the tactics bit near the end of the line

So as a quick example I replaced the FM16 box graphics with the FM15 shirt graphics:


Which isn't perfect but at least shows you can change the images, however without full access to the game files I'm not sure if it's possible to adjust how the other items appear or if you can change the outline.

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The Overlay on the default boxes can be replaced by placing a png file called overlay in the following location:


There is an entry you can put in the config file:

<record from="overlay" to="pictures/kits/2d/outfield/back/tactics/overlay"/>

However that doesn't seem to do anything at the moment (might in a later patch) instead the game needs the overlay in a set position (like it did with the GK overlay in the past).

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Still works on FM15 panel


I've downloaded that media file, but can't get the tactics screen to change to shirts. I have nothing in my skins folder, other than the basic 'config.xml' file. I've played around by sticking a panels folder with the tactics.xml file in, but nothing works? Any advice?

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So annoying we have to go through this just to have a normal tactics screen again, especially considering the rest of the game looks good blur effect aside. As suspected, these boxes don't bring any real new functionality, just horrible design on SI part. Hopefully you guys will figure something out before FM17 when shirts come back :thup:

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What about the tactical screen showing roles and duties of opponent teams during matches, like in FM15 ?

the tactic icon files from last year should work as far as i know, i edited these to build the above version Bantams has.

Yeah I managed to do it by swapping panels around. Pure accident really but seems to have sorted it

Got it.

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Hi, I want to change the blocks to shirts in the base skins with either the old panel from the Andromeda skin or the 2016 panel from the HelveticaLite skin but for some reason copying the tactics overview panel like suggested above only works in the light base skin and the boxes with names and roles under the shirts are missing so it looks a bit like that . Please, can someone tell me how to get it working in the base dark skin and how to add the boxes under shirts? I am assuming there are some other panels that must be copied or the xml edited but I know nothing about skin making.

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Hi, I want to change the blocks to shirts in the base skins with either the old panel from the Andromeda skin or the 2016 panel from the HelveticaLite skin but for some reason copying the tactics overview panel like suggested above only works in the light base skin and the boxes with names and roles under the shirts are missing so it looks a bit like that . Please, can someone tell me how to get it working in the base dark skin and how to add the boxes under shirts? I am assuming there are some other panels that must be copied or the xml edited but I know nothing about skin making.

copy over the tactic icon panel.xml as well, clear cache and reload.

i think

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So I've managed to change the panel to show strips BUT the the position box below becomes non-interactive meaning unable to change positions unless you either right click on icon or by left clicking and changing it on the swipe out screen from the right. Now is there anyway to make those interactive?

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Hi, I want to change the blocks to shirts in the base skins with either the old panel from the Andromeda skin or the 2016 panel from the HelveticaLite skin but for some reason copying the tactics overview panel like suggested above only works in the light base skin and the boxes with names and roles under the shirts are missing so it looks a bit like that . Please, can someone tell me how to get it working in the base dark skin and how to add the boxes under shirts? I am assuming there are some other panels that must be copied or the xml edited but I know nothing about skin making.

You have to copy this file too : tactics icon info panel.xml

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Thanks, that worked! Do you have tactics overview panel match from your skin because I want the shirts during matches as well, the one from Andromeda skin works but I didn't find such panel in yours? Also, what lines in the tactics icon info panel have to be edited to change the color of the roles and duties writing in the boxes(they are yellow or black depending on which skin I take the panel from and I want them white). And do you think eventually the boxes and the toggle buttons in the top left corner could be made clickable/functional?

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Thanks, that worked! Do you have tactics overview panel match from your skin because I want the shirts during matches as well, the one from Andromeda skin works but I didn't find such panel in yours? Also, what lines in the tactics icon info panel have to be edited to change the color of the roles and duties writing in the boxes(they are yellow or black depending on which skin I take the panel from and I want them white). And do you think eventually the boxes and the toggle buttons in the top left corner could be made clickable/functional?

do a text find on colour=" and it will take you to the 2 lines for text colour, i think they are white and yellow by default. just edit the "xx" to the colour you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Quick update, after extracting some of the xml files it looks like the tactics screen should be editable in a couple of ways.

NOTE: The below details are for advanced skinners/graphic makers to give them a starting point ahead of the full release, if you are wanting a simple file to download to change the tactics screen you will need to wait until after the full release when we have access to the full game files, at which point I'll try to get a full guide out talking you through what you need to do in more detail.

You can edit a line in one of the xml files to change the tactics pitch to make it act like the tactics pitch from the formations screen:


However you lose any of the extra functionality added in over the last few years, you can still move the players and right click to change the roles and left click to get the instructions but that is about it, though it may work for people who set their formation from the left hand players list rather than via the pitch.

The file that you need to edit is the 'tactics overview panel.xml' file (and the 'tactics overview panel match.xml' file for the match screens) which is found in the panels folder. ( haven't checked the FMTouch Mode so instructions for those skins might be different but should be in a similar format).

Locate the following line:


<widget class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" width="390" icon_flags="show_name,use_overview_icons,show_extra_details,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels">

And replace the bold code with this: use_player_kits_back so the line reads:


<widget class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" width="390" icon_flags="show_name,use_player_kits_back,show_extra_details,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels">

It might be possible to get more information back by messing around with other bits in that file, but I haven't had a chance to have a real look at it at the moment.

The other way you can edit the tactics screen is a bit more complicated but gives you some more control, as the player boxes are just controlled by graphics and can be changed in the same way you could change the shirt backs in previous versions, you just need to use a slight different line in the config file, an example line is:

<record from="55" to="graphics/pictures/nation/none/kits/back/goalkeeper/third/kitstyle/tactics/55"/>

Whilst the same line from FM15 would have looked like:

<record from="55" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/kits/back/goalkeeper/third/kitstyle/55"/>

As you can see the extra bit you need is the tactics bit near the end of the line

So as a quick example I replaced the FM16 box graphics with the FM15 shirt graphics:


Which isn't perfect but at least shows you can change the images, however without full access to the game files I'm not sure if it's possible to adjust how the other items appear or if you can change the outline.

How do I get the tactics screen looking like the first image? I don't even have a tactics/xml file, nor a panels folder. Any help?

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It's linked in the stickied threads, and please don't swear on the forums.

Michael would you mind giving a help about making the opposition players roles and duties to show up in the tactics screen during a match ? Some skins had it in FM15 but for whatever reason don't work in FM16

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Michael would you mind giving a help about making the opposition players roles and duties to show up in the tactics screen during a match ? Some skins had it in FM15 but for whatever reason don't work in FM16

Using the file from FM15 still worked for me when I just tested it, however to re-enable them using the FM16 file you just need to locate this bit near the bottom of the 'tactics icon info panel.xml' file:

<!--debug role/duty-->

<container id="rodu" height="10">

And remove the id bit so it reads:

<!--debug role/duty-->

<container height="10">

And that will put the role and duty information on the in-match formation screens (it will also put it on the subs, it might be possible to change the id to something else to only get it on the active players, though it looks like its a debug setting some possibly isn't something that is entended to display so might not get it perfect, also might get disabled in a future patch).

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Using the file from FM15 still worked for me when I just tested it, however to re-enable them using the FM16 file you just need to locate this bit near the bottom of the 'tactics icon info panel.xml' file:

<!--debug role/duty-->

<container id="rodu" height="10">

And remove the id bit so it reads:

<!--debug role/duty-->

<container height="10">

And that will put the role and duty information on the in-match formation screens (it will also put it on the subs, it might be possible to change the id to something else to only get it on the active players, though it looks like its a debug setting some possibly isn't something that is entended to display so might not get it perfect, also might get disabled in a future patch).

Thank you. I will update the file and try it in a couple of hours. Is that the only file to update ? I'm asking because I remember a thread about FM15 and I think there were 3 files to download (if my memory is not tricking me :) )

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Removing the id will get them to display like they do for your team white/black text only, the other files were likely used to customize the appearance further.

EDIT: Actually looking at the old thread the other files were just from the pre-patched game, the patch added some of it back in, so the other two files shouldn't be needed.

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Removing the id will get them to display like they do for your team white/black text only, the other files were likely used to customize the appearance further.

EDIT: Actually looking at the old thread the other files were just from the pre-patched game, the patch added some of it back in, so the other two files shouldn't be needed.

Awesome :thup: Going to try it in a bit, thanks

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Removing the id will get them to display like they do for your team white/black text only, the other files were likely used to customize the appearance further.

EDIT: Actually looking at the old thread the other files were just from the pre-patched game, the patch added some of it back in, so the other two files shouldn't be needed.

Michael, it's working :)

In the upper panel where it shows the opposition tactic, how can I make the pitch larger so that the font would also be larger ?


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