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The details of player creation?


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When a player is created you can give a lot of different values, but anyone who's tried it will have witnessed that the player in game won't look exactly like in the editor.

My impression is that CA dictates other values; if you've given too low attribute values for a player the attribute values will be increased, and vice versa. But the CA is always definite. Is this correct?

I've read somewhere that some attributes are 'free'; that they don't steal anything from the budget defined by CA. It was said that long throws was one such 'free' attribute, and that others, such as aggresion, was conditionally 'free', with aggresion being 'free' for forwards. That sound improbable to me. Is it true though? If so, which attributes are 'free' and which are conditionally 'free', and what are the conditions?

I'm under the impression that some attributes are more 'expensive' than others; that physical attributes such as pace and acceleration are relatively 'expensive' and that high values in said attributes eat a lot of the CA budget. Is this true? How are attributes weighted?

How about other player details, such as height, weight, left foot, right foot? Do they come with a cost? Or positions? Will a player that is a 20 in every outfield position have used more of his CA budget than a player that can play CD only?

How about hidden mental attributes such as professionalism, loyalty and such, are they 'expensive'?

And lastly, what about a players future ambition? Will a player who has a 20 in coaching, manager and physiotherapist have spent more of his CA budget than one who has 1 in the afformentioned future roles?


Sorry if this information is available and easy to find. I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it.

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