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Only 1 year extension

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Not sure this is a bug or WAD (although I'd find it strange).

I'm currently playing a L2 Hungarian game with custom created club. I cannot give more than a year long contract to anyone. No matter who I sign, or want to extend in the team, even for staff. I'm currently in my first season and halfway through in december... half the team has their contract expiring, but when I try to extend the maximum is 2017.

This is regardless of player age, they are all professional players, so the usual. Should this be posted in the bugs forum or is there a reason for it?

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  • SI Staff

One of the changes that has been made to this area of the game this year is to restrict the contract lengths the user is able to offer to players depending on a number of factors. This is to prevent scenario's where the user was previously able to offer longer term contracts to players who perhaps shouldn't have been able to get long term deals.

There are a number of factors taken into account when determining the contract lengths the user can be offered. These can be seen below.

Board attributes - Depending on the board attributes of your club, the length of contracts to certain players will be affected. For example a sugar daddied board will be more likely to allow longer contracts than a more prudent board.

Club size - Bigger the club the longer the contract that can be offered, A Premiership club is more likely to be able to offer a 5-year deal than a League 2 club for a Rotation player

Player age - The board should be more willing to sanction a longer term contract for a 26 year old in their prime opposed to a 34 year old coming towards the end of their career

Player injury proneness - The board should be more reluctant to allow a 5 year contract to be offered to a player with 3 previous cruciate knee ligament injuries than a player with a relatively clean bill of health. The players injury proneness stat is what is used to determine a players injury proneness.

Squad Status - A key player is more likely to be able to get a longer term contract than a backup player.

If you feel there is still an inconsistency based on the above info then start a thread in the transfer and contract bug forum - http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/516-Transfers-Contracts-and-Scouting-Issues

And upload a save. Details on how to do so - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/436044

It might be worth noting that as you are playing in a low division, then it is would be expected for the contract lengths available to be restricted.



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My league is second division hungarian, the players where all 30+ (except 1) and the club is close to broke. Only one player was Key player but he was 30+.

I assume they'd all fall under the same category, so no bug report then.

Thank you for the comment, it was very useful!

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I understand only having the short contracts when clubs are less likely to hand out long ones but why can't I offer a player a contract to the end of the season, or just to January. I'm in April and have an injury crisis and I just want somebody for the next couple of months but I have to offer until the end of next season.

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