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Inconsistent Attacking Showings

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Having gone the conservative route, I've created a simple, functional 4-5-1/4-3-3 to try and get to grips with FM16 and any differences it might have to FM15. Defensively, the team is solid, rarely if ever conceding so defensive phase isn't an issue. I'm more concerned of the fact that my offence can be frustratingly inconsistent. I could have one game where I'm tearing the opponents to shreds from every angle, and another where the attack just stalls and my players couldn't hit a barn door if it was the width of the pitch. Worst part is the teams which my attack stalls against are almost completely random, its not just small teams who park the bus, sometimes even against expansive attacking sides.:seagull:

(this a rotated lineup)


Mentality switches between Standard and Attacking depending on what I feel is necessary, but sometimes even Overload won't get me a goal :lol:


Hopefully someone can show me where I'm going wrong with this setup, thanks in advance.

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Making one of those central playmakers a CM(a) or BBM(s) might help give you some penetration from midfield. I would probably pick a CM(a) because you have solid defensive cover with Bender in the DM spot and conservative fullbacks.

Will give that a go, hopefully it doesn't open up my midfield too much for the opposition.

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Are you going for extremely counterattacking play? Because that's how you are set up. For teams that try to come at you, then yeah you might be tearing them to shreds if you field a team with pace. But if they are sitting back defensively then you may struggle. Your setup is not very dynamic in terms of how it will play.

Basically trying to do exactly the opposite of what LvG does in real life. He is all possession and backwards passing with no real intent which successfully bored me to sleep, mine tries to get it to the flanks and then swing in a cross as quickly as possible to exploits Martial & Depay's pace to get to it.

Might be that those 2 just aren't as consistently good at goal-scoring as I want. At least the defensive side of things is sorted (Hail Lord Bender the Great), so even if I don't score I don't think I would lose:lol:

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It's just a bit incoherent for me. Why have two central playmakers if you tell the team to clear to the flanks? Why hit early crosses to a lone striker who has two DCs marking him? Why play through balls when you have pressed the AI back and restricted the space to play through balls into? Who is actually going to score? You only have two obvious goal scoring outlets.

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It's just a bit incoherent for me. Why have two central playmakers if you tell the team to clear to the flanks? Why hit early crosses to a lone striker who has two DCs marking him? Why play through balls when you have pressed the AI back and restricted the space to play through balls into? Who is actually going to score? You only have two obvious goal scoring outlets.

Hit Early Crosses was added after I noticed how many times my players could get on the end crosses simply by being quicker to attack the ball, whether they stuck it in the back of the net is another story, but it was an effective attacking avenue and I'm not gonna pass up on that. And my fullbacks are actually the ones doing the crossing, my front three are almost always in and around the box (AML & ST because attack duty, AMR because all my AMRs have "Cuts Inside")

The logic behind the two central playmakers act like distributors, as I'm crossing the ball alot the opposition defence will be heading it back out towards my midfielders, I've noticed its usually Bender (who isn't very good at passing, nor tries to be) who picks it up or either one of my central defenders. Once they get the ball, they will automatically look for my 2 playmakers who will then use their superior passing skills to send the ball out wide to begin the crossing cycle again, OR pick out a team mate with a throughball. I might change one the playmakers to a CM(a) for added goalscoring threat as mentioned above.

You know what, after thinking it over a little, think I might just buy Cavani/Lewandowski and see what happens, a much better striker might be the answer:lol:

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I'm not a tactical genius (far from that), but it seems that the reason you randomly struggle to create chances might be your very aggressive attacking play.

You're playing on an attacking mentality, very high tempo, hit early crosses, pass into space.. Maybe lowering the tempo and removing these shouts might be the solution for the matches where your team struggles.

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