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Players holding on to the ball too long?

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Anyone else having a problem with players holding on to the ball for far too long around the box? More often than not, my wingers will burst down the wing, wait a second until some other players get into the box, but then still not do anything, wait for the opposition full-back/defender to come, jostle him for a couple of seconds, and then win the ball. It's not a problem of options in the box, as I often have two or three players to aim at. Just don't seem to want to cross, or even turn and pass it backwards. Just stand there until they get tackled.

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Also having this problem with my wingbacks/fullbacks. Currently having a setup with a fullback on support duty with in front of him an inside forward on support. If I'm correct my fullback (on support) has the following instructions: stay wider, cross more often (this one for sure) and he get's a lot of opportunities to cross the ball with the closest opponent staying 10 meters away from him. Instead of an easy cross he choses to stand still and wait till the opponent is close to him and then play a cross wich will allmost every time be blocked by te defender.

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I'm seeing this too. I originally had work ball in to box instruction. I removed this and now my players just shoot from 30 yards every time, even when a player has made a run ahead of them in to the box and looks open.

It's too late for this version, but I would like to see a list of priorities to give players when building up an attack. Something like; option 1; look for through ball, 2; look for overlap, 3; dribble through defence, 4; take a long shot, 5; pass back and start again.

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