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EPL 'B' teams in lower leagues project for FM16

Roy Race 9

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Looking for some info from anyone who has tried something similar in previous years

I am basically going to revamp the English system from the prem down, in that I want to have the top 10-16 teams in EPL have 'B' teams playing in the lower leagues similar to the Spanish set up.

This will take the place of their U21 squads(or can the U21 squad be the 'B' team...as teams who qualify for European comps have their U21 squads also competing in their own age tournament. I don't want a U21 and 'B' team squads just the one)

I want to get my head around the use of players in the various teams....namely can I call players up from the 'B' team at any time to the main squad if they meet age conditions etc, and vice versa with players getting game time in the lower squad.

Also the issue of promotion to the main league should a 'B' team be good enough how do I stop them gaining promotion to the EPL or even being in same division as the main squad should the 'A' team get relegated??

any help is appreciated especially someone who has tried this sort of format before...I know there was a file but just can't find it:D

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First of all you need to decide whether to use "B clubs" (the Spanish model) or B teams (most other countries).

B teams work like the current reserves teams as "sub-teams" of the club, you just need to remove the designated reserves league from the nation rules. And you can keep the U18 / Youth teams if you like.

B clubs have to be created as separate clubs and then affiliated to the main clubs. You can look at the Spanish examples to see which boxes should be ticked, most importantly "players can move freely".

It seems that B clubs can cause any number of problems, though, so I would strongly recommend the first option which has worked fine for me. It should also work with the Youth Champions League.

As for promotion, there is an option under each division in the nation rules to prevent A and B teams from ending up in the same division.

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I don't think I have enough data to say anything for certain about that, but I would definitely think that playing for your own B team in a "real" league provides better match experience. It should be comparable to going out on loan to a team in the same league.

Also, if you're doing e.g. an "own youth" type of save, you should get the added benefit of better team cohesion if your players get used to playing together competitively from an early age. But again, this is just an educated guess.

Finally, I think there are other factors that speak against using the Spanish model. You generally have less control over the B club, so if you want them to use the tactics, formation etc. of the first team, the traditional B team is also the way to go IMO.

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dllu - in your set-up how is B team player development going? Do you see significant improvement compared to the orthodox route of in-house U21/18s training and loaning players out?

this is what I am interested in as I see the B team route as giving the youth more meaningful games and the chance to play with more experienced players recovering from injury needing game time etc

thanks for the feedback its the B team option rather than B clubs

dllu have you created any files like this before?

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At least you've managed to put this thread in the right place. Unlike the spamming posting that goes on in the download section. If it's [WIP] then it's not a download is it so stop trying to hog the limelight guys? [/rant over] :)

I know the B team option was rejected by the clubs out of hand and I understand it completely. At amateur level the number of 2nd and 3rd sides that prevent clubs moving up the pyramid is very disappointing and personally I would hate say a ManU 2nds being promoted instead of my club. :(

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At least you've managed to put this thread in the right place. Unlike the spamming posting that goes on in the download section. If it's [WIP] then it's not a download is it so stop trying to hog the limelight guys? [/rant over] :)

I know the B team option was rejected by the clubs out of hand and I understand it completely. At amateur level the number of 2nd and 3rd sides that prevent clubs moving up the pyramid is very disappointing and personally I would hate say a ManU 2nds being promoted instead of my club. :(

can see where you are coming from, but the other side of the coin is if your team wasn't the best in that league it shouldn't go up.

I would be implementing play off as per Bundesliga...top team in lower league would play bottom team in higher etc so no guarantee there will be any promotion, bit harsh but believe it makes top leagues stronger ....why relegate a team that is far stronger than those coming up??

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dllu have you created any files like this before?

I did create a Danish fantasy pyramid for FM13 along the lines you describe for your project, and am planning on doing that again this year. I'ly be happy to share my experiences... :)

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  • 3 months later...
dllu - in your set-up how is B team player development going? Do you see significant improvement compared to the orthodox route of in-house U21/18s training and loaning players out?

It really depends on the team's results really. Youth players learn from u18s/u19s enough so you don't have to put them into the reserves when they are still eligible. And the players seem to learn in regular reserves until they become 21.

But the B-team is different because they play in real leagues and the opposition is much better but therefor your B-team tends to lose a lot in regular leagues. And FM players generally grow faster when they have good match ratings. And as you might have guessed already, losing means low ratings. So winning is the best method. But my players seem to grow in these teams even after they've become 21.

There is only a couple of downsides:

- Your players won't recognize your B-team as a team that plays im a regular league and they will moan about wanting to go on loan to get first team experience. Especially AI teams have a lot of players on loan even in the same league or lower than where it's B-team is playing.

- Finding a good assistent manager/ B manager is not that easy. You'll need one with good tactics ratings etc. IA teams tend to assign average assistant managers who are not adding something extra to their team.

Nevertheless I still recommend it for everyone and I always add a B-team to an existing league because it is just more fun. My B-team has won the 2nd division once in all my playthroughs. It was quite achievement!

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