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Estimated Game Speed After Update

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Hey guys,

I don't know whether anyone else has come across this at all, but after the latest Beta update my Estimated Game Speed has gone down from 4/4.5 stars to around 2 stars? Is this anything to do with the update, or just a coincidence?

I'm loading up the same amount of leagues as before etc. so I wasn't sure whether to just ignore it, or if there was something I could do to rectify it.

Cheers :)

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The stars aren't static, they're a general indicator of performance based on the load your system is currently under.

So if you're listening to music, browsing websites etc at the same time as loading the game up, your stars will be down.

So from game to game, they may differ.

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The stars aren't static, they're a general indicator of performance based on the load your system is currently under.

So if you're listening to music, browsing websites etc at the same time as loading the game up, your stars will be down.

So from game to game, they may differ.

Ah fair enough, I wondered if that might have been the case. Just loaded it back up and it's back to 4.5 stars :)

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