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FM on multiple PC's in the same house

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So situation came up, family wishes to play FM on the same house as me on a different PC. FM naturally on both PC's anyways but would like to play it at the same time. Would there be any issues with this or would it require multiple steam accounts and copies of the game?

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So situation came up, family wishes to play FM on the same house as me on a different PC. FM naturally on both PC's anyways but would like to play it at the same time. Would there be any issues with this or would it require multiple steam accounts and copies of the game?

It should be possible for you and your family to use the same copy of FM, but you won't be able to do so at the same time.


Steam Family Sharing will allow multiple computers on the same network to share a game, so they can all access it but only one at a time.

If you want to play it at the same time as each other then you will need one copy of FM and a different Steam account for each PC.

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