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Begging for some help with Chelsea

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Hi !!!

I am really trying to get a grip on making your own tactic, but im getting frustrated because I feel that no matter what instructions I give to the team, I really dont see any change in my team performance. I can tell if its going to be a good or bad game 10 minutes into the game, If im being dominated by the other team theres is no instruction or formation I can use that turns the things around. I might win, but it feels more like a fortunate win than something that was product of my instructions.

Im playing FM2016 with Chelsea and im not doing bad, Im currently second but I can get rid of that feeling I recently explained. My last game was away against Manchester City (they are 5th in my save game) and I lost 4-0. Can you help me undertstand what is wrong with my tactic??? I post some images for you guys:

This is the tactics I used:


And this are my team instructions:


What I am looking with this tactic is the following:

  • I am looking to design a tactic to use on away games against strong teams (City, United, Arsenal, etc)
  • On the defense: I want my defense line to drop back a little so my team be a solid unit on my own half, closing down a lot when the other team crosses the half of the court
  • I have selected "Get Stuck in" because I want the other team not to be comfortable with the ball
  • Width, I have select Balanced to be more solid in defense
  • Higher tempo because I want my team to rapidly counterattack when we get the ball back
  • Build up: clear ball to the flanks to exploit Hazard and Willian
  • Pass into space, so the team explodes Hazard and Pedro Speed
  • More Direct passing, because it goes along with a counterattack strategy... right?
  • Shoot on sight
  • Run at defence so Hazard and Pedro explode their agility

This are the match stats:


And this are my player stats:


As I said before, I lost the match 4-0 ... your feedback is welcome to help me understand what I am doing wrong.


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Don't worry, you're still doing better than Jose in real life ;) Sorry, couldn't resist.

My first observation would be that you have limited cover on the flanks, considering you're playing a counter attacking style. Perhaps the shape and the roles do not necessarily lend themselves to counter-attacking. I would imagine that the IF(A)s remain reasonably far forward, leaving your fullbacks exposed and the remaining 7 outfield players trying to plug the gaps behind.

If you wish to counter-attack, I recommend solid formations ideally with two banks of four such as 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1, 4-1-4-1.

Your shape - particularly with the attacking trident - is perhaps better suited to a pressing game in which the front 3 would harass the opposition fullbacks.

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Hahahaha... you have the right to say that, Jose's having a tough year :(

Thanks for your answer, So in order to achieve the style of play I intend you suggest a formation like this:


What about roles and team instructions... do they make sense to you?

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I know how you feel had the same problem till i went back to basic, first read Pairs and Combination then take a step back and decide what you want to do and the style you want to play then look at the instructions in FM and reason it out logically this is, i want them to pass into space but i am pressing up high that won't work. Decide who on the team should be doing what then after that you will start to see some clearer perspective on what is happening.

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