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League Table Justification


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It seems with every edition FM changes the code for certain things. The one thing that bugs me every year is the ridiculous distance between team names and numbers in the league table. In previous FM releases it was possible to left justify the numbers but each time it's a different process. Has anybody got any idea how to do this in FM2016 because it's far and away the most recurring and annoying aspect for me with every new FM edition.

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Messing about with the league table a bit here. Especially to fill the gap.

So i'm trying to add home league table and away league table to the default league table.

That works quite well.

My only issue is that it looks cluttered. I'd like to have some space between home, away and overall table.

Is there a way to do that, maybe add some blank space in between?


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I guess I'm missing something. I've extracted the fmf file and now have a panels folder in my data folder. I edited the parameters as from Michael's FM15 guide but no changes show up in the game whether I clear the cache or reboot the game. Please help !

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