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[FM16] Player profile screen


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Art are you planning on doing some more? for example - Staff or just generally non-playing staff. I'd also like some edits to the finance and training screen if you've got time?

Try the ones in the pack from last year. they work fine.

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Is it possible to make the font size of Transfer Info smaller? As you sice, it doesn't fit quite good.


Art are you planning on doing some more? for example - Staff or just generally non-playing staff. I'd also like some edits to the finance and training screen if you've got time?

staff profile


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Hi - I really like the player profile where you have the team logo behind (or next to) the player's pic? I'm currently trying to create a similar effect for my FMT skin. Grateful if you could confirm which code requires changing? Is it all via the "player personal details panel"? Cheers

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Hi - I really like the player profile where you have the team logo behind (or next to) the player's pic? I'm currently trying to create a similar effect for my FMT skin. Grateful if you could confirm which code requires changing? Is it all via the "player personal details panel"? Cheers

player overview panel.xml and player personal details panel.xml

that looks awesome Art. Are you uploading it dude?


Where can I edit the size of profile Picture in Player Overview/Attributes?

player profile.xml and player profile personal details.xml

Can someone help me remove the dark boxes there is in some of the panels? And add a shirt nex to the player picture?

remove class="bordered_box"

Hi, may I know where went wrong? The font below the player picture how do I correct that?

where your Mathilde.otf and signature.xml?

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ArtDekDok i would really appreciate your assistance please - i have a bug somewhere in my amended version of your player overview panel file, i know more or less where it is, but just can't seem to get the result i want. Either the panel (THE LEFT HAND LOWER CORNER ONE, UNDER THE PLAYER PERSONAL AND CONTRACT INFO) in question disappears completely, i get a crash error, or as now the panel shows, but with a function error. Please see the photos and explanation beneath:



1. As marked in the first attached photo in black and white, the panel in question is seen bottom left corner marked in yellow. The 'role and duty' part of it stays empty as you see. The strange thing though is that when you leave the screen and go back into the player, the role and duty suddenly appear, like seen in second photo. This happens to all players. It only show correct the second time you enter a player profile. How do i fix this, to avoid entering players twice everytime?

2. The panel right next to the player attributes also seem to have this problem if i choose to show the player positions in there in stead of the attributes analyzer like in the photo, but on the other hand i have the possibility to choose from 2 different position panels within the drop-down menu, and the other one seems to work fine like it should (without the role and duty info disappearing).

Here is the full code of the 'player overview panel.xml' file, could you have a scan through and tell me where i got wrong:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<!-- L -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="430" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- Portrait -->

<container class="bordered_box" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" default_height="-4" priority="1">

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1" offset="0" gap="1"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<!-- Portrait -->

<widget class="player_personal_details_panel" id="prop" file="art player picture" default_width="-1" priority="1">

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<!-- Bottom Left corner Panel under Player Portrait -->


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos12" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_height="-1" default_height="356" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pgi1"/>



<!-- C -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_width="650" default_width="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" minimum_height="500" default_height="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="-2" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- T -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_height="372" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="640" default_width="730" priority="1">

<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="art player attributes panel" id="patt" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pat1"/>


<!-- Panel Center right next to Attributes-->

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos3" file="art player overview small selector panel r" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="10" default_width="-1" priority="3">

<widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" file="art player positions indicator small horizontal" id="ppsh" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230082" type="use" value="Positions" />

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="att3"/>



<!-- TM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="-1" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos9" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Phap"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosA" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pfmp"/>



<!-- BM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="-1" priority="3" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosB" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="plst"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosC" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="ppsp"/>



<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="135" priority="3" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosD" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Pfor"/>



<!-- Season stats-->

<container class="bordered_box" minimum_height="140" default_height="220" priority="1" >

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="pcsp" file="player additional stats small">

<record id="object_property">

<list id="get_properties">

<!-- Hide this panel if player is in inactive league-->

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

<record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="hidn"/>




<widget class="player_stats_panel" id="pssp" file="player stats small">

<record id="object_property">

<list id="get_properties">

<!-- Show this panel if player is in inactive league-->

<record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="Shwn"/>

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>








<!-- R -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="460" priority="2" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos2" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" default_height="502" priority="1">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="psrt"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos4" file="art player overview small selector panel r" save_session_state="true" default_height="300" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Pcrs"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos16" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true" default_height="-1" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pac1"/>





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Like i mentioned in post #65 under problem 2, the option to chose 'positions' appears twice in the panel right next to player attributes (both in my files and in the original files from ArtDekDok for download on top of this thread).

The first option has the error i adress, but like mentioned the second option works fine showing role and duty every time.

First 'Positions' from drop-down menu NOT working:


Second 'Positions' from drop-down menu working fine:


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No, unfortunately it's not that simple, have checked that as well.

But if you look close into the posted piece of code from above, you will see this:

<!-- 1 -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" minimum_height="500" default_height="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="-2" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- T -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_height="355" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="640" default_width="-2" priority="1">

<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="art player attributes panel" id="patt" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pat1"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos3" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="230" default_width="-1" priority="3">

<widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" file="art player positions indicator small horizontal" id="ppsh" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230082" type="use" value="Positions" />

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="ppi1"/>



In the red piece of code he points to art player overview big selector panel.xml (which by the way doesn't have the id of "ppi1" which the container points to a few lines further down). In that selector file 'Positions' only figure once. BUT i see he also pointed directly to the 'Poitions' panel in the same piece of code (marked in green) which probably is what causes the 'Positions' option twice in the drop down - but if it's also what causes the error or if it's supposed to be that way at all, i can't tell. That's why i need ArtDekDoks opinion?

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Had a look, sorry tried to help cant see it. The default files are fine on mine, the green line above just points to the default file, shouldnt really cause a double up or they all would. I'll let you wait for Art, sorry dude.

Thanks for trying wkdsoul.

But i'm not sure you are right. Normally the 4 parameters a little further down sets the default file/panel to show - hence the 'default_for_xxxx' piece of coding.

If you look through the whole .xml file, you would also see that the red code above is as far as i see, the only panel that points both directly to a file (the green piece) and to a default (just explained above).

All other containers look more or less like this, only pointing the 'default_for_xxxx' way to decide what to show, and not directly to one file like the green piece do.

<!-- TM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="120" default_height="-1" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos9" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="plst"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosA" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="ppsp"/>



<!-- BM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="120" default_height="-1" priority="3" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosB" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Phap"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosC" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Ppla"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="Ppla"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Ppla"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Ppla"/>



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<!-- 1 -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" minimum_height="500" default_height="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="-2" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- T -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_height="355" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="640" default_width="-2" priority="1">

<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="art player attributes panel" id="patt" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pat1"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos3" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="230" default_width="-1" priority="3">

<widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" file="art player positions indicator small horizontal" id="ppsh" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230082" type="use" value="Positions" />

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="ppi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="ppi1"/>



I use red code widget because I force this container set default to red code widget.

If not use this code you will have problem like this http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/442140-FM16-How-to-fix-this-widget-Profile-Positions

A bug.

No TUTOR option and the next option after, don't remember exactly what it is, but 2 things are missing from this menu drop down.

It not my panels bug, Delete your person sections.xml and make new from original file.

Don't use id="cos12" and id="cos16" in your player overview.xml use only hexadecimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Windowed Mode 1920x1080


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Art - any plans for more panels this year? maybe an inbox scout report? nation information screen? mainly thinking of things from last year that haven't been covered yet :)

Inbox scout report with more info, similar to the one from my skin (Vitrex MMXV - click link to see how it looks) last year, fixed for FM16:


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I use red code widget because I force this container set default to red code widget.

If not use this code you will have problem like this http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/442140-FM16-How-to-fix-this-widget-Profile-Positions

It not my panels bug, Delete your person sections.xml and make new from original file.

Don't use id="cos12" and id="cos16" in your player overview.xml use only hexadecimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Windowed Mode 1920x1080


Hi ArtDekDok.

Okay thank you for the reply, but i still don't really know what to do in regards of the position panel. I want it in the left hand lower corner, not on the right side of the attributes on top.

Every time i copy the whole piece of code for the container that forces to show the positions panel (please see below: blue piece of code), and paste it in under the personal details in stead of that piece of code (marked in red) my game crashes with either "corrpupted buffer" or "error on line 145" which is the end of the document. I have tried everything i can think of, deleting </container> tags at the end, near the panels, rearranged cosX numbers, and so on, but can't get it to show like i wish.

Exactly like seen in the colored picture uploaded of the player overview screen in post #65, i basically want the bottom left corner container under the player personal info to show the positions (forcing them so they show every time like you have done) and the container you normally use to force positions (the one on the right hand side of attributes) to show the attributes analyzer - just like in the picture.

Can you please help me with that?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<!-- L -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="430" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- Portrait -->

<container class="bordered_box" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" default_height="-4" priority="1">

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1" offset="0" gap="1"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<!-- Portrait -->

<widget class="player_personal_details_panel" id="prop" file="art player picture" default_width="-1" priority="1">

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<!-- Bottom Left corner Panel under Player Portrait -->


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos12" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_height="-1" default_height="356" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pgi1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pgi1"/>



<!-- C -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_width="650" default_width="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" minimum_height="500" default_height="-4" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="-2" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<!-- T -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_height="372" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="640" default_width="730" priority="1">

<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="art player attributes panel" id="patt" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pat1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pat1"/>


<!-- Panel Center right next to Attributes-->

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos3" file="art player overview small selector panel r" save_session_state="true" minimum_width="10" default_width="-1" priority="3">

<widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" file="art player positions indicator small horizontal" id="ppsh" late_loading="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230082" type="use" value="Positions" />

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="att3"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="att3"/>



<!-- TM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="-1" priority="1" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos9" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Phap"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Phap"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosA" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pfmp"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pfmp"/>



<!-- BM -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="-1" priority="3" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosB" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="plst"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="plst"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosC" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="ppsp"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="ppsp"/>



<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" minimum_height="-1" default_height="135" priority="3" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cosD" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Pfor"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Pfor"/>



<!-- Season stats-->

<container class="bordered_box" minimum_height="140" default_height="220" priority="1" >

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="pcsp" file="player additional stats small">

<record id="object_property">

<list id="get_properties">

<!-- Hide this panel if player is in inactive league-->

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

<record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="hidn"/>




<widget class="player_stats_panel" id="pssp" file="player stats small">

<record id="object_property">

<list id="get_properties">

<!-- Show this panel if player is in inactive league-->

<record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="Shwn"/>

<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>








<!-- R -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="1" default_width="460" priority="2" mode="distribute_equally">

<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos2" file="art player overview big selector panel" save_session_state="true" default_height="502" priority="1">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="psrt"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="psrt"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos4" file="art player overview small selector panel r" save_session_state="true" default_height="300" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="Pcrs"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="Pcrs"/>


<container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos16" file="art player overview small selector panel" save_session_state="true" default_height="-1" priority="2">

<integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team " value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="pac1"/>

<integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="pac1"/>





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Have you tried just the widget code info from the red, into/under the first container blue line in blue?

Hi wkdsoul.

I'm not quite sure what you mean?

In my last post there is no widget coding in the red part.

And if you mean the other way around, yes, but it crashes.

EDIT: Sorry it doesn't crash, it just has no effect. Still shows the positions, without loading role and duty.

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Hi ArtDekDok nice job. I have an issue when i try to reduce player's picture size (i'm trying to reduce the picture in screen 1), but when I change any value you get the following screen (screen 2). I'd like this size (screen 3). Where i'm wrong? Thank you in advance




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Inbox scout report with more info, similar to the one from my skin (Vitrex MMXV - click link to see how it looks) last year, fixed for FM16:


Thanks very much dude :)

Anyway I can easily use your attribute analyser shape but change the colour? just to fit in with the edited panels by Art that I'm using. Thanks :)

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Thanks very much dude :)

Anyway I can easily use your attribute analyser shape but change the colour? just to fit in with the edited panels by Art that I'm using. Thanks :)

Player attribute analyser containe I think it is, colour lines are abiut halfway down. The is a separate xml fir the goalkeeper

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Thanks that worked perfectly. Is there a way to change the line? it's kinda a dark red shade of black right now. The only other colours I can see in the xml is for the divider lines which are fine.

Thanks in advance :)


Yes, it can be changes through the settings.xml file of your skin, where you find many overall color-codes and settings for your skin.

You wanna look for this line:

<!-- analyser polygon colours -->

<colour name="attribute analyser line" red="80" green="40" blue="40" />

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