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Any tactical help appreciated!

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To my detriment I have downloaded plug and play tactics in the past up until FM15! I had some success in FM15 with my own tactics but finding 16 a lot more difficult.

This is how I've set up - kept it fairly simple to start with.



I concede most of the goals from crosses. I've been incredibly lucky so far, sitting in 5th with a GD of -4. Conceding 20 goals in just 12 games. Opposition shots on target are always around 10-12. I know that I am a famously poor Newcastle side but I could really do with tightening up at the back! My back four often have very low ratings and I often find myself having to haul someone off after 20 minutes having dipped below the 6.0 mark.

From what I can see (although I could be wrong) my midfield provides plenty of cover and also offers decent support for attacking moves.

My idea is to sit deep and be patient in winning the ball back then build patient attacks from the back, creating plenty of movement in the final 3rd.

I'm relatively new to creating tactics so any help is appreciated!

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I always prefer to play my DM as an Anchor Man because they have to always hold in front of the back 4. I tend to find that helps tighten my team up because even if he doesn't make a tackle then his presence forces the opposition to play around him meaning my team can regroup

I would also be tempted to change your CM/A to a BBM just to make sure he's getting back and adding an extra body. Newcastle have got quite a fit team so that shouldn't be an issue finding someone to fit that role.

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There's not much wrong there, though I wonder if the system actually meets the vision?

"My idea is to sit deep and be patient in winning the ball back then build patient attacks from the back, creating plenty of movement in the final 3rd."

1. You aren't deep. Standard is a neutral Mentality and you haven't adjusted the defensive line

2. How do you feel this system is patient? I don't see any tempo adjustments, and I don't see any obvious efforts made to build play slowly

3. I'm not sure there is really that much movement in the final third. The two IFs will offer broadly similar stuff

Ultimately, 5th after 12 games is pretty good going. Newcastle have some good players but not quite at the level where you'd ordinarily expect them to be fifth. Is there a particular flank down which the crosses are coming? An easy guess is that it'll be down your left side as Thauvin probably isn't giving much cover down that side.

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I've tried to keep it simple as possible and try and tweak where I need to so I'll look at making the back line a bit deeper. Using Retain Possession made it a lot more patient once we have won the ball back.

I normally play Wijnaldum instead of Thauvin as he offers a lot more in tracking back but he's out injured. It's actually down the right flank as Meli does quite a good job in covering the space when AML gets caught upfield.

Similarly I usually have Ayoze up top as a Trequartista and he drifts all over the place but he's also injured. I'm starting to find that using 2 IFs is a lot less effective this year.

If there's not much wrong would you suggest changing the system or the vision??

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If there's not much wrong would you suggest changing the system or the vision??

I don't think you should change the vision, you should work towards getting that to function right.

You've got a couple of options. You could stick to Standard and drop your tempo and defensive line. Or you could go to Counter which by default is deeper and slower. Counter tends to work better with a deeper formation, so if you can't fit players into a 4-1-4-1 or similar, I'd just tweak Standard. Also be aware that Auto Duties on the full backs sees the Duty set by the Mentality. This means you currently have two Support Full Backs, which may or may not be what you want.

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