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Expanding top division from 14 teams (current season 15/16) to 16 teams (16/17 and so on)


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Need help in expanding Top tier of Ukrainian football pyramid for the second playable season - 16/17 and so on from 14 to 16 teams.

Current football structure in the country is as follows:

1) Ukrainan Premier League: 14 teams, 1 relegated;

2) Ukrainian First League: 16 teams, 1 promoted, 2 relegated, 1 plays in relegation pay-offs;

3) Ukrainian Second League: 14 teams, 2 promoted, 2 play teams decide who will play in promotion/relegation play-off.

Does anybody know how to expand a league for the upcoming season ( i.e. from 14 to 16, setting 16 as a standard for the rest of the seasons in current FM)?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help possible.

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for premier league you need 2 files.

first file-set start/end year 2015/2016 and number of teams 14. on competition screen set option "number of extra teams to be promoted" to 2

second file start year 2016 and make system with 16 teams

for first league you need to make 2 files

first file-set start/end year 2015/2016. on competition screen set option "number of extra teams to be promoted" to 2. number of promoted teams 3(you need to add 2 more teams in premier league)

second file start year 2016 and make system with 16 teams and promotion back to 1

second league as first if you wanna make it playable. you need to add that line in first season ("number of extra teams to be promoted") and must set promotions to add enough clubs. dont forget to delete that line in second season file (if you use copy option for files in advanced editor).

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All in all the aforementioned solution works.

Though there are some minor shortcomings:

1) Extra places are not displayed in division rules,

2) The biggest problem - 2d teams that shouldn't be promoted from lower divisions, will be promoted in case they finish within "extra teams to be promoted" places.

Found another solution:

1) Two files' rule stays that same - with 2015/2016 and 2016/... set for the seasons with different league structures;

2) I don't add "extra teams to be promoted..." on competition screen, but instead add extra teams in "league structure". IE There is only 1 teams dropping from Ukrainian Premier League, but I set 3 to be promoted from Ukrainian First league, etc.

This works well.

Thank Krlenjushka!

Hope this will help those seeking solution for league expansion after a set season.

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