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FMM16 feedback, microtransactions really?

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So like every year I bought the latest version of Football Manager Handheld (oops I mean Mobile ;-) ), I can say overall I like it (as usual) a lot, and the match engine has been tuned up very well. Much better now compared to the previous version.

However, there are a couple of things I'd like to get of my chest.

First thing, the price (22€for the whole package) is fair enough, but then you go and charge an extra euro if you'd like to have a ingame son or 10000 extra seats. And that is a purchase you can make only for one savegame. Wait what? Did a microtransaction just entered in my favorite mobile videogame?? Common guys!! That's the worst you can do. Do not go down this path! It is annoying enough for us to pay 13EUR extra just to unlock all the extra content (even though that is something i'm willing to accept). But microtransactions? That's a business model from hell.

Another thing, why aren't there multiple stadiums in this game? It's not like York City's pitch is the same in looks as Barcelona's Camp Nou. If i remember correctly. My old iPhone 3gs with FMH2012 (and even versions before) did have several pitches. I also didn't see weather conditions in this season again. This is something i've been waiting for, for so long.

To finish up my feedback, the staff system is great, but definitely could be worked out more detailed. At this pace it's too simple. By the way, I earned my gold badge as a coach pretty quickly but I think the message I received it keeps repeating in my mailbox at random intervals.

Add multiple pitches and cut the microtransactions and I'd be the happiest FMM-fan in the world ;-)

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  • SI Staff
First thing, the price (22€for the whole package) is fair enough, but then you go and charge an extra euro if you'd like to have a ingame son or 10000 extra seats. And that is a purchase you can make only for one savegame. Wait what? Did a microtransaction just entered in my favorite mobile videogame?? Common guys!! That's the worst you can do. Do not go down this path! It is annoying enough for us to pay 13EUR extra just to unlock all the extra content (even though that is something i'm willing to accept). But microtransactions? That's a business model from hell.

The way I've done in-app purchasing in FMH/FMM hasn't changed since its conception - everything is purely optional and the game is tuned and playable without them purchased.

Nearly all the items (I think everything but the challenges and editor?) can be unlocked free of charge in game as described in GameCenter etc. - they're available as purchasable items for those people who are too impatient to do so, simple as that.

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  • SI Staff
To finish up my feedback, the staff system is great, but definitely could be worked out more detailed. At this pace it's too simple. By the way, I earned my gold badge as a coach pretty quickly but I think the message I received it keeps repeating in my mailbox at random intervals.

I've plans to evolve and improve it in the future (both in updates and future versions) - I'll look into the bug you describe, sounds unusual and no one else has mentioned it yet.

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I was referring to the purchases you can only make in a single savefile. Assume I delete this savefile, then that would mean I lost my purchase, thus making it not much of an "investment". All other purchasable items aren't the problem here. ;-)

Glad you guys respond so quickly. Hopefully you guys can the the multiple pitches!

I'm going to make some screenshots of that repeating message, perhaps it can serve as some help.

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  • SI Staff
I was referring to the purchases you can only make in a single savefile. Assume I delete this savefile, then that would mean I lost my purchase, thus making it not much of an "investment". All other purchasable items aren't the problem here. ;-)

Again you can expand your stadium and such within the game as with other purchasables - if you want to cheat to do so then you can use the iAP.

Glad you guys respond so quickly. Hopefully you guys can the the multiple pitches!

I'm going to make some screenshots of that repeating message, perhaps it can serve as some help.

Thanks for the help its much appreciated and we'll look into the multiple pitches.

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I presume you're on Android? The reason multiple pitches aren't currently included there is that it would significantly bloat the data download. We may consider it for the future.

P.S. the news item repeating in inbox is in fact already under review here.

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Then why wasn't this a problem in the pre-2012 versions?

There was no Android app pre 2012 and the feature is still available on iOS, where download issues have always been less problematic. We may consider adding it in future as Android data installation becomes gradually more reliable.

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There was no Android app pre 2012 and the feature is still available on iOS, where download issues have always been less problematic. We may consider adding it in future as Android data installation becomes gradually more reliable.

ah, yes i was talking about FMH2012 on iOS. now I understand, i do hope you add this feature in the android version soon. never had a problem with their servers tho.

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