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League has not finished in time for season update day


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Hi, I'm making a file for the Israeli Lower Leagues and I'm experiencing a weird situation.

First of all I'll describe the leagues system

1) Israeli Premier League - 14 teams, splits into 2

Bottom 2 automatically relegated - works fine

2) Israeli National League - 16 teams, splits into 2

Top 2 get automatic promotion - works fine

Bottom 2 automatically relegated - works fine

Relegation playoff - 14th place waits for a team from lower division (Look at A League promotion playoff).

3) Israeli A League - 2 divisions of 16 (north and south)

1st places gets automatic promotion - works fine

Promotion playoff - In each division places 2-5 play in a playoff. North and South playoff winners play against each other, the winner plays against National League's 14th place.

Bottom 2 automatically relegated - works fine

Relegation playoff - 14th place waits for a team from lower division (Look at B League promotion playoff) - works fine as far as I know.

4) Israeli B League - 4 divisions of 16 (North A, North B, South A, South B)

1st place gets automatic promotion - works fine

Promotion playoff - In each division places 2-5 play in a playoff. North A and North B playoff winners play against each other, the winner plays against A League North's 14th place (same goes for South A and B). - works fine as far as I know

Bottom team automatically relegated - works fine

Relegation Playoff - places 11-15 play in a cup format, loser gets relegated. - works fine

5) Israeli C League - 8 divisions of 14-15

Top team get automatically promoted.

If you got here, congrats! When I try to verify the top 2 leagues, it's going well. When I try to verify A, B or C leagues it says: Israeli National League has not finished in time for season update day. I spent countless hours trying to solve it by myself, bot nothing. So i'm uploading the file, hoping to get help from this wonderful community.



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I think you should post this in the bug forum, as there are still issues with verifying files.

You don't need verified files to start a new safe. It will load automatically all levels, when the file is not verified. Try to run it on holiday for at least three seasons. If that works fine, there is no error in the file, but in the editor.

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Go to your league settings and tick extra league games option and enter the stage and how may games are played in the round . This tells the league how many games will be played . When you split a league etc this needs to be entered in every league

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