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Real Madrid/Castilla individual training. Bug.

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Hi, there seems to be an issue with training castilla players while being manager of Real Madrid. At the end of the month, I get reports of training performance from castilla manager (impressive/concerning performnce) in the new section. There is a checkbox in that besides the players listed. If i check it, I can set the individual training of those players in castilla. I find this option great as some of the players i sent there from first team, I would like it if I can control their indvidiul training.

But the problem is, I cannot set it for the players NOT listed in that news item of training perfrmnce. Even if I go in the training section of castilla I dont have access to that 'control individual training checkbox' (I am aware we get this in fm touch mode). But its an awesome addition to full mode. Only that its not completely implemented. I have checked all the views (custom options) but cant find that option to display that checkbox in individual training screen of castilla. Please help.

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