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Work Permit/Foreigner limit in multiplayer game

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I really dislike the entire work permit/foreigner limit, and have for decades. Even though it is realistic, I dislike the hassle of finding a great youngster, not noticing he is from a non-ECC country before the deal collapses :). Thus i typically adds all countries in the database to belong to ECC.

In FM Touch I love the unlockable regarding this, but it does however not work for network games with friends.

Is there ANY way around this?

1) are you comtemplated allowing to select unlockables for a network game at the beginning of the game? (could be a requirement that all managers have it purchased individually)

2) is there any ways to edit the DB prior to the game start?

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Sweet! I just tested it... and it appears to work.

Applying unlockables to a single player game and converting the game to a network/online game seems to preserve the unlockables! (even though I cannot access the store anymore :)).

This is really perfect for me, thanks a lot Lucas!

PS: Is this a well-known feature/work-around? I have tried searching for ways to do it the previous years, but have never seen it mentioned in forums...

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