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Problems That Have To Be Fixed ASAP. No Excuses.

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Guys there are some issues that really need addressing:

FMC has a lot of issues in the UI. Some are small details, but, they add up fast.

- custom views don't stick unless you make a copy of a copy of the view. Sometimes this doesn't work.

- filters in squad views / team selections don't stick AKA if I tick "hide players not at club" leave the screen, come back, and those players are back there. Happens in "Squad" screen as well as the tactics board + squad selection.

- If I decide to hide players not at the club, or utilize one of the other filters, the left side of the tactics screen disappears entirely. All of the role/duty rows are removed and replaced with generic grey boxes.

- In game widgets are really poorly set up. Some don't resize, some are too chunky, some have too much going on, etc. Widgets seemed really great in the last FM. I feel like too much information is being crammed into this game at times. This is a good example of that, if you look at widgets like team ratings or match information. Why on earth is match information such a huge box with all that blank space? And why does the team ratings box need to be so chunky? A simple number/name/rating would have been effective.

- Color clashes during a match can occur if you're bringing up a player's attribute screen while making changes to a tactic. In other words, if I click on the player "box" on the tactics pitch, the player profile is blacked out. Really really bad bug. Happens consistently, no workaround that I know if.

- Prozone is just chuck full of problems in FMT. It feels like it's incredibly complicated to select what you want to see. It's just really bad UI, IMO. If I want to see what 1 player's passing looks like, and then check another player's passing, I have to de-select and re-select too many times. It's just a waste of time really. Also, a lot of times the boxes you tick don't stay ticked, or it glitches. It's just bad.

- Attribute highlighting is a joke. It's ridiculously silly to have a tiny little line on the side of the box as the highlight of an attribute. It's so easy to just put a freaking yellow or blue slightly transparent line across. Honestly, I don't understand how this is even a debate, and unfortunately I've been told that this is something that will not change. Regardless, I'm still not happy about it.


- There is a general feeling of wasted space. For example, look at the "match stats" for a team in a game. There's the left side which is the player name and all that jazz, then a HUGE freaking chunk of un-used space, and then everything is crammed into the right in tiny text. Some column headings are cut off, and you can't even resize them. I don't understand this at all. This is elementary UI design at best. I expect better for my money guys. Seriously.


I don't want to sound like a nasty person, but I paid money for this game, and as a paying customer I have the right to provide feedback. These issues highlighted above are all problems that shouldn't be occurring in a "finished" product. I expect better. If this was a beta release, I wouldn't care. But this is a full release that I paid for, therefore, I expect more. I don't think that is unreasonable. I know SI are working hard to fix things, or at least I hope they are, but really it feels like priorities are out of whack sometimes. For example, why do we need manager avatars? They look awful, like something from a 1999 PC game. Meanwhile, the match engine is a disaster of defensive issues. I know those two things aren't related, but as a paying customer it's frustrating to see "new" features implemented while the very core of the game struggles to perform up to par.

I don't think my expectations are unrealistic, or, at least I'd hope they're not. There's really no use in putting in new features if the core of the game isn't operating as it should. The experience feels like a letdown when this happens. FM15 had a lot of problems with the match engine, but at least it got most of the little things right. For it's faults, I still felt like I paid a fair price. And I still do. But for FMT16, I feel like I've paid for an unfinished product, and that is hugely disappointing.

If I were to include my feelings on the "match engine" this thread would be pages long. It's just not worth it. People have provided ample feedback, I don't want to pile on, but what choice do I have as a paying customer? I'm not happy with the product I paid for so I'm pretty much resigned to writing on these forums.

Some of those issues raised above in terms of the UI might seem really small, but imagine buying a brand new car and you begin to find a lot of small details that have been overlooked. You'd be upset. The car still drives and all that jazz, but you bought a brand new car and you expect better. I expect better from SI. But I'm bitterly disappointed with FM16/FMT16.

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Come on, man, I have drag and drop issues that make the game simply unplayable for me... Other users also reported same issues...

The problems you raised here are soooo small :)

But I agree with you that the game looks like it was not properly tested...

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