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Can you recommend some African youngsters?


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I don't mean people like Drogba or Essien, I'm after young players who are based in Africa.

I've started a game in SA and want to get as many talented young players as possible. It doesn't matter from which African country they are from as I've only just started, so I can easily load players from specific countries if need be.

So far the only ones I've found are Ransford Osei, Mulinge Munardi, Mxolosi Mtsetfeua and Didi.

Also, I have the Australian and New Zealand leagues loaded, so if you can suggest some young players based there that would be great. So far I have Nathan Burns, Brice Djembi (sp?) and that young keeper from (I think) Perth Glory on my radar. I remember reading some time ago (possibly before the patches) about a New Zealander who was pretty handy and, if I recall correctly, he was under the age of 20. (Sorry for the rather pathetic description).


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lol, bruce 'djite' and i think u mean tando velaphi.

some others, nikita rukavytsza is alright, danny vukovic, michael zullo (random PA tho), kaz patafta, some more but i cant remember.

not sure bout the kiwi bloke tho, and im lost for african players, but i find africa often get a few good regens tho.

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