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I really hate the timing of the new season budget adjustments

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I was 2mil in the red at around the end of the season in the championship. This is no problem though because I receive 7,5mil at the end of the season for playing in the league. This is how it usually goes when my stadium is still small. Problem though, is that my new season transfer and wage budget is set before the end of the season and before I receive the 7,5mil. My transfer budget is at 90k and wage budget is a bit higher then what I currently spend. I have a bunch of players which needs to be replaced as they are not fit for playing in the championship or barely for league 1.

Problem though is that I can not sign any players with a measly 90k transfer budget even on free transfer as agent and signing fees has the be paid, and I can not readjust some of the wage budget without it being absurd. My wage budget last year was 800k after increase mid season. (only used 650k though), but now is set to 690k because i was in the red. But just a few weeks after my new budget I get the mentioned 7,5million which means I have 5million on balance. I though I could increase my transfer and wage budget but I do not even get to make a request and the budget stays this way until next season starts. This means I can not replace my current soon to be released players with free transfers because I can not pay agent fees. I was under a new board regime while season was ending as the chairman retired (new board actually injected 2 million, so I was up to 7million in balance). The old regime were the ones to set the budgets.

So even with 7 million in balance I have to work with a non-existent transfer budget and a lower wage budget. And 7 million in balance is the highest we've been at since for ever. It will probably allow me to get an absurd transfer and wage budget when the season officially begins and I can do a board request again. The problem though is that I will be missing all the end of contract players I could get as free transfers. This is how I usually get my players, approach players with less then a month left on their contract and sign them as free transfer. This season however, because my budgets were set 1-3 weeks before I got my end of season money, I have no option to sign more then just a few players and forced to use my 1-2 star players for yet another season.

This is just really frustrating to actually have lower budgets then last season when finances is a lot better (I moved to a new stadium with 3 times the capacity and non-rented, so I had more income as well for this season). I guess I will be getting a mediocre season again, and just as I was hoping for a breakthrough season :(

EDIT: oh and I should mention that the 90k transfer budget was the leftover from last season

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