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How to stop FB/WB/W holding the ball until they get close down?

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Is it a problem with my tactic or is an issue with the ME that it seems that FB/WB/W when they are in good position to cross the ball, almost everytime hold the ball until they get closed down by the opossition and end the play either with a blocked cross or loosing it by a tackle. It's really annoying because its just unnatural, I can not imagine Marcelo, Dani Alves, Danilo... holding the ball just because the manager dindt tell him to cross it.

Is there something I can do with my tactic? (I already try "Cross from deep" and "Cross more ofteh" and "more risky passes", but this issue just dont go away) Or is it something I just have to live with in this ME?

Thanks! ;)

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I haven't been able to work this out either tbh.

I dunno if it's more an animation quirk or what , but I do see my FB or wide players get to the line (with ample opportunity to cross) and then literally just stop and do nothing. Obviously the opposition defence eventually catches up and they end up crowded out and lose possession.

I saw an apparent workaround in another thread but I'm pretty sure it didn't change much for me , I also signed better wide players with higher decision making attributes but same thing happened.

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I'm getting this alot too with my wingers and full backs.

Also, with inside forwards im finding that they cut inside and try to shoot almost everytime and almost never cross or try to pass to the striker. Shoot less often doesnt seem to help either and starting to think its something to do with the ME

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This may be really annoying but don't forget that an Inside Forward's job is to cut inside and score goals so they are basically instructed by the role to score goals and be aggressive with their shooting. What sort of teamwork attributes and PPMs do your players have?

With the full backs, I find that they cross a lot more quickly if they have Attack duty. In fact, I would say that they cross too quickly sometimes with an Attack duty. Having them on Cross More Often will also help but it depends on the mentality of your team and the abilities and PPMs of your players.

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This is tricky to fix, because it's one of the subtle ways the game prevents the unintelligent defenses from getting shredded (although they are being shredded by crossing right now anyway). Raising your team's tempo, using full backs instead of wing backs, the team instruction to "hit early crosses," and making sure they actually have a player or run to target will all help.

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This is tricky to fix, because it's one of the subtle ways the game prevents the unintelligent defenses from getting shredded (although they are being shredded by crossing right now anyway). Raising your team's tempo, using full backs instead of wing backs, the team instruction to "hit early crosses," and making sure they actually have a player or run to target will all help.

That isn't really true tbh.

I use Complete wingbacks on attack, as I really like the early movement beyond inside forwards in particular, cause havoc with inside passes, crosses and shots

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This is tricky to fix, because it's one of the subtle ways the game prevents the unintelligent defenses from getting shredded (although they are being shredded by crossing right now anyway). Raising your team's tempo, using full backs instead of wing backs, the team instruction to "hit early crosses," and making sure they actually have a player or run to target will all help.

Yeah I agree that I think it's deliberately done (like the poor finishing from easy chances) to stop rugby scores because of inability to get defenders to mark properly. But might be worth putting some example in the Bugs:Match Engine section and see what they say. It also frustrates me a lot that the counterattacking crosses are pinged first time with perfect accuracy but then when there is time to measure a great cross they waiti for defenders to get back and block the cross or be forced to pass back to a central midfielder who gets his shot charged down because of dallying.

Oh and I most certainly don't have "work into box" set. Wide players are set as wingers so to cross often. Fullbacks are also set to cross early.

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I understand this issue but I believe it is down more towards your tactical system rather than blaming the ME

In my experience, this edition's ME is the best one.

There are many possibilities but the main ones will be:

- your tactic

- player's quality

- how your opponent's handling your team in the match

Most likely u're playing with slow tempo, or shorter pass+works ball into box, or using an attack duty in a less aggressive mentality setting, or all of them combined.

So IMHO, it's better if u're paying more attention to your tactical setup, both general or detailed things, because I don't have this issue- yes I did when I was still trying out FM16 for the first time but now, I don't.

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