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Algerian leagues sinking reputation (FM13)


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Hi everyone

I would be grateful for your help. I’ve created Algerian leagues and run a number of simulations but noticed that Algerian clubs achieve little in continental competitions and the league’s reputation sinks. I’ve run these over at least 15 years, sometimes over 30, and typically found the following:

• If I don’t load my Algerian data file the league’s reputation (which starts 6th in Africa) is fairly consistent over a number of years

• If I load the file and the Algerian leagues are active, reputation goes down and eventually settles around 20th

• If I load the file but Algerian leagues are not active, reputation goes down and eventually settles around 20th

Which suggests to me that there is something wrong with the league set-up I’ve created. I’ve only created nation rules, no changes to national, club, player data etc., so again it must be in the leagues.

The only variables in a league set-up that I think would impact long term reputation are financial, i.e. prize money and TV money. I’ve copied the prize money of the South African leagues, which start with a higher reputation than Algerian leagues, and when I run the SA leagues alongside Algeria, SA Prem is nearly always in Africa’s top 3. So I don’t think it can be prize money that is causing Algerian league to struggle.

What I would therefore be grateful for:

• Have you noticed any leagues you’ve created struggling to maintain their continental reputation / competitiveness in continental competition?

• If so, how did you fix it?

• If I was to set TV money at zero, would the game calculate how much clubs receive? (As opposed to them receiving no TV money!)

Probably worth pointing out that I’m running this on FM13. I assume that editing principles remain the same on later versions, but best mention for clarity.

Thank you in advance for your help :)

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