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Match titlebar sliding up


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Depends on what you are wanting to do, bits of it are controlled by different files mainly header.xml and match full window.xml

If you are having problems with it not disappearing correctly then have a look at the last few posts in this thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/447154-Couple-of-skinning-questions

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just because i'm here.. is there a chance to make plain white team names in match title bar? (instead of team secondary colour, in case i'd like to remove the team background boxes)

<!--home team name -->

<widget class="text_button" id="T1nm" size="9" alignment="centre" click_event="htac" font="capitals_bold" colour="white" multiline="true">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />


that's the bit, but adding colour="white" doesn't seems to be effective.

any thought?

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In previous years you could trick the game by applying a gradient to the font style assigned to the team names, so in the font xml file located in the fonts folder that is linked to the team names add the following lines:

<integer id="gradient_upper_margin" value="20"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_margin" value="0"/>

<integer id="gradient_curve" value="0"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_red" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_green" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_blue" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_alpha" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_red" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_green" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_blue" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_alpha" value="255"/>

(You can either add them to the existing capitals_bold file that is currently linked from your above code, or create a new file that the above code and then link the news to the new file).

If you don't want white then change the rgb values just make sure the upper and lower colours match so you get a single shade gradient.

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