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Bugged player turned Assistant Coach - can't fire him, no info shown, stuck in limbo

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I signed Daniel Cleary on as an Assistant Coach while it was an option to do so. When I signed him and he became available on my personnel roster, his attributes were empty. The area where they would show up is completely empty, but the box showing his 'profile information' still has his details intact -- place of birth, etc. His status shows up as Assistant Coach.

He was available to give suggestions during the draft, but I cannot fire him. He doesn't show up under the practice coach assignments either.

I've tried hiring another coach but the game tells me his spot is full. When I click to check his attributes under the personnel screen, they're all listed as "#". His infomation under contract/salary/etc is all "-".

I opened the game in EHM Assistant and Cleary does not show up in the player/non-player search. He only shows up when I select the Red Wings club and manually go under personnel. There it doesn't even let me view his contract (a search comes up empty on it even existing). I've tried editing his attributes and they just error out on the screen.

My last ditch effort was to make his birthday a date that made him 113 years old. And yet, there he is, still phantom coaching.

Is there anything I can do or am I stuck with Danny Cleary forever?

Considering his real life equivalent, it's a little ironic. But man... I just want him gone!

EDIT: Bugged save is uploaded as neuralhandshake-EHM-bugged-cleary it's after he's accepted the contract, however... I might be able to find one from before if needed.

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Thats hilarious. Sorry for a bit off-topic but what is EHM Assistant?

(Sorry for the double post but not sure how to reply to more than one at once)

EHM Assistant is a game editor--lets you edit attributes and contracts of players, etc. So Cleary is bugged when I can make him 113 years old and he still doesn't retire :(

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If You can't release him and he is 113 years old it's definetly bug. I think no need to searching save when you hired him as coach cause you can't release him. Just upload save and you'll see if Riz can help You. :)

I made him -1. He's now the youngest assistant coach ever to win a Stanley Cup and still refuse to be fired. Excellent, haha.

How do I name my save when I upload it? I'm slightly confused by the FTP guide.

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