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Team squad view: Sorting bug since 16.2 update?


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Hi all.

Since updating to 16.2 (i think) i am experiencing this weird thing seen below. All player squads, mine or AI's, won't sort properly when it comes to condition, match shape, last 5 games, apps, goals, assists, pom, average rating and value - so basically the last 9 options are responding wrongly, by just messing the numbers about randomly, rather than sorting from highest to lowest and virse versa.

In this example, i have sorted the squad in regards of their value, from highest to lowest, and look at their values - not sorted at all. Anybody knows whats going on here?


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Try manually deleting your cache files, if that doesn't work does the sorting work if you use a different view or the default skin?

If it is broken for all views and the default skins then raise the issue in the bugs forum.

If the issue is only with that one view within that skin then raise the issue with the skin maker.

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Hi Mike.

Thanks. It works fine on other views, like 'general' or 'contract' so you are probably right. But it's my friend who is author of the skin (Vitrex) and we have looked at the code, which doesn't seem to be wrong, compared to the code of other views:

<record id="vitrex">

<string id="name" value="Vitrex Widescreen High-Res"/>

<record id="view">

<flags id="PtsL"/>

<!-- picked info -->

<flags id="Pnfo"/>

<!-- player status/info -->

<flags id="Pnms"/>

<!-- person name -->

<record id="Ppos" auto_hide_priority="1"/>

<!-- position -->

<flags id="Page"/>

<!-- person age -->

<record id="Pnat">

<flags id="use_format" value="short"/>


<!-- person nationality -->

<flags id="PPst" />

<!-- person personality -->

<flags id="Pclb" />

<!-- person club -->

<flags id="Pcac"/>

<!-- current ability -->

<flags id="Pppc"/>

<!-- potential ability -->

<record id="Pmor" auto_hide_priority="5"/>

<!-- player morale -->

<record id="Pcon" auto_hide_priority="2"/>

<!-- player condition -->

<record id="Pfit" auto_hide_priority="1000" />

<!-- player fitness-->

<record id="Pfrm" auto_hide_priority="6"/>

<!-- player form -->

<record id="Poap" auto_hide_priority="3"/>

<!-- overall appearances -->

<record id="Pogl" auto_hide_priority="4"/>

<!-- overall goals -->

<flags id="Poas"/>

<!-- overall assists -->

<flags id="Pomo"/>

<!-- overall man of match -->

<flags id="Poav"/>

<!-- overall average rating -->

<flags id="Pced"/>

<!-- contract expiry -->

<flags id="Pcww"/>

<!-- wage -->

<flags id="Pdva"/>

<!-- value -->


<record id="table_properties">

<integer id="block_count" value="1" />



So really we don't know what causes this - and again, it seemed to work fine before the update.

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If it's only you having the problem with the sorting then try deleting the 'state--team_squad_panel' file from the C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\Preferences\version 5\ folder as that file should be storing the sorting state, if that doesn't work try deleting all of that folder (though export/save any custom views you have created first otherwise they might be wiped).

If it is happening to other people as well then try changing this id to a four letter id:

<record id="vitrex">

As the game can sometimes be a bit picky about the ids it likes.

You could also try deleting this bit from the bottom of the code:

<record id="table_properties">

<integer id="block_count" value="1" />


As its not present in the default code.

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That's a different thing, the sorting on the match screen is determined by how you have arranged the player icons on the tactics screen, if you want to reorder your players you normally need to move a player to a blank position and then put them in the order you want, so if you wanted your RB to be second in the list, you'd need to move your RB to an unused position (WBR) and then move your RW to the RB position then repeat for each position. (and each tactic if you have more than one set).

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That's a different thing, the sorting on the match screen is determined by how you have arranged the player icons on the tactics screen, if you want to reorder your players you normally need to move a player to a blank position and then put them in the order you want, so if you wanted your RB to be second in the list, you'd need to move your RB to an unused position (WBR) and then move your RW to the RB position then repeat for each position. (and each tactic if you have more than one set).

Wow that's a shame. Thanks.

Is it possible to do this without losing all instructions?

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