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FM 16 v FM 15 v FM 14 v older versions?

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Hi all

Longtime FM (and before it became FM - CM...) fan and player. However i haven't got around to play the more recent editions the last few years although i have bought 12,13,14 & 15 (just didnt have the time - or maybe changes put me off?...). Have more time now and notice FM16 is out. I am looking at buying this version but am wondering a few things as i havent played the game for a few years now. Has it gotten better? How is the AI and transfers in general?. How is the commentary mode? (i only really play in this as i find the 3d matches arent really appealing - ie not really representative of what goes on - always felt that way). And what is with the DLC i see on Steam? (i plan to use modded leagues with player rosters from elsewhere).



PS: i had a much older profile on this forum but for whatever reason login no longer works nor does recovering details etc.. quite annoying :/

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Don't buy FM 12, that was before the new ME came out and collision detection amongst other things were implemented into the game. FM 13 was the very beginning of the ME itself and was bug-ridden for a while. Though it was patched up a bit, it was still the worst release ever (since 2007 - date, anyway). FM 16 is still in development, there's gonna be a major patch coming through on or before March. I hear rumors of crosses, wingplay and counter attacking being overpowered and the Ratings system seems to be raising a few eyebrows too.

FM 14 and FM 15 were okay, and don't really have much between them. It's a close one, but i'd recommend FM 2014.You can go to the ratings given to each and see for yourself on steam. FM 14 has the most recommends; i have both that and FM 16 and i can honestly say i prefer FM 14. However, if you can wait, then go for FM 2016 when the last patch is released.

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For my personal taste, i prefer FM 15, the overal experience in FM 16 is a lot more polished with a ton of litle improvements over FM15, but to me personaly, i really think that in some ways the Match Engine in FM16 is worst than in the last version, defense in FM15 is worst, but offense is FM15 can be fantastic, so it is a question of what you prefer, for a more defensive aproach go 16, for a a more attacking, go 15, but it's just my VERY subjective opinion.

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FM 13 was the very beginning of the ME itself and was bug-ridden for a while. Though it was patched up a bit, it was still the worst release ever.

That is very much a matter of taste. To me FM13 is still the best version.

Mind you, I haven't played FM14 and might very well prefer that as it seems more or less like a version 13.5. But call me a nostalgic: FM13 is definitely vastly superior to 15 and 16 in my book...

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I am a long-time user of FM11. Have tried both FM14 and FM15 (about 100+ hours each on both) - their interface and non-ME aspects have been improved, but their ME have 'deteriorated' in the sense that, no matter how you set up your defense (e.g. play as 'Counter', using an anchor man/half-back, full-backs on defensive duties, appropriate marking and closing down), you will still concede lots of goals and there's hardly any clean sheets. These are done by watching each game on 'comprehensive' mode (as suggested by some of the forum members).

Hence, I still prefer the previous ME.

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Don't buy FM 12, that was before the new ME came out and collision detection amongst other things were implemented into the game. FM 13 was the very beginning of the ME itself and was bug-ridden for a while. Though it was patched up a bit, it was still the worst release ever (since 2007 - date, anyway). FM 16 is still in development, there's gonna be a major patch coming through on or before March. I hear rumors of crosses, wingplay and counter attacking being overpowered and the Ratings system seems to be raising a few eyebrows too.

FM 14 and FM 15 were okay, and don't really have much between them. It's a close one, but i'd recommend FM 2014.You can go to the ratings given to each and see for yourself on steam. FM 14 has the most recommends; i have both that and FM 16 and i can honestly say i prefer FM 14. However, if you can wait, then go for FM 2016 when the last patch is released.

This is exactly why make your own mind up, because for me FM13 is a great Fm, and is way better than FM14 imo, which was the worst Fm/Cm game ive ever played, and guess what? ive played them all.

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I've always enjoyed each iteration of FM. To anyone, I always suggest the latest version and they are the ones I most enjoy.

If you don't find the 3D experience enjoyable, try out the "2D classic" view. It's personally my favourite.

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