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Identical bids - yet again

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It's been in every version of FM for years and it's more than a little frustrating.

You've a player valued at £5m. You offer him out for £5m. You recieve half a dozen identically structured bids totalling £2.5m that are made simultaneously. Why? Are all these other clubs' managers getting together around a coffee to decide what offer to make?

I could even half accept it's something to do with the players agent getting involved if it weren't for the fact that when I bid on a player that other teams have made an offer for I don't get told the exact make of their bid, so why should the AI?

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If you believe the behaviour is incorrect then the best thing y do is raise it as a bug with a copy of your save game before you offer the player to clubs.

Anything put forward by people outside of SI will be conjecture.

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It's been in every version of FM for years and it's more than a little frustrating.

You've a player valued at £5m. You offer him out for £5m. You recieve half a dozen identically structured bids totalling £2.5m that are made simultaneously. Why? Are all these other clubs' managers getting together around a coffee to decide what offer to make?

I could even half accept it's something to do with the players agent getting involved if it weren't for the fact that when I bid on a player that other teams have made an offer for I don't get told the exact make of their bid, so why should the AI?

When you offer out a player (and transfer list him) the other AI managers see this as you not wanting (or valuing) your player... so they naturally put in a bid that is lower than his actual value. Best bet to avoid is it to not transfer list players nor offering them out... but setting as asking price at his actual value and generating interest in him by letting him play games (either for you or on loan). If you can´t do that, unfortunately you might just have to be prepared to lose him for less than his value or perhaps for free when his contract runs out.

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When you offer out a player (and transfer list him) the other AI managers see this as you not wanting (or valuing) your player... so they naturally put in a bid that is lower than his actual value. Best bet to avoid is it to not transfer list players nor offering them out... but setting as asking price at his actual value and generating interest in him by letting him play games (either for you or on loan). If you can´t do that, unfortunately you might just have to be prepared to lose him for less than his value or perhaps for free when his contract runs out.

Did you even read his post?

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It's been in every version of FM for years and it's more than a little frustrating.

You've a player valued at £5m. You offer him out for £5m. You recieve half a dozen identically structured bids totalling £2.5m that are made simultaneously. Why? Are all these other clubs' managers getting together around a coffee to decide what offer to make?

I could even half accept it's something to do with the players agent getting involved if it weren't for the fact that when I bid on a player that other teams have made an offer for I don't get told the exact make of their bid, so why should the AI?

I do see that, but then quite often I'll also get a list of bids in from clubs where there's a lot of different ones, presumably due to interested clubs transfer budgets, etc. I guess when you offer out a player, any interested clubs will have a set offer they can make if they can afford it. Clubs who can't will bid less. May work that way, I'm not too sure.

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I do see that, but then quite often I'll also get a list of bids in from clubs where there's a lot of different ones, presumably due to interested clubs transfer budgets, etc. I guess when you offer out a player, any interested clubs will have a set offer they can make if they can afford it. Clubs who can't will bid less. May work that way, I'm not too sure.

When I've offered a player out I've somtimes seen clubs make offers at two different values, but never three.

I.e. say I offer out a player for £5 million maybe 2 will come back at 5 million and 5 others will all over 2.7 million, but there will never be 3 different price points (in my experience).

So we can adjust the OPs post by 1, but I don't agree with you there are lots of different ones (in my experience). Will happily accept a screenshot to prove the opposite though, could just be I haven't noticed.

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In my experience, before FM16 I saw it as Dave described with different bids, but in FM16 I only see it as the OP describes, with a lot of identical bids. That isn't the problem for me so much as they are all/near-all non-negotiable bids, which is not very useful behaviour, especially as if you then offer out for a different asking price, the clubs come back with different non-negotiable bids - showing they are willing to change the offer.

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If you believe the behaviour is incorrect then the best thing y do is raise it as a bug with a copy of your save game before you offer the player to clubs.

Anything put forward by people outside of SI will be conjecture.

Well I don't 'believe' it is incorrect, it is incorrect.

I have uploaded multiple bug reports for this and other issues in FM15 and prior versions yet the same problems keep coming up every year, so I'm inclined not to bother any more. What is the point of filing endless bug reports when the very same issue persitis from one edition to the next, to the next?

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Well I don't 'believe' it is incorrect, it is incorrect.

I have uploaded multiple bug reports for this and other issues in FM15 and prior versions yet the same problems keep coming up every year, so I'm inclined not to bother any more. What is the point of filing endless bug reports when the very same issue persitis from one edition to the next, to the next?

Because it may well be a persistent issue.

If anyone has examples, please post the saves in the bugs forum, they will be much appreciated

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OP, you clearly posted this for a reason..

If it isn't to try and fix it, it can only be to just moan about it.. which i'm inclined to close this thread for...

The only way things get fixed is if they are posted in the bug section..

Unfortunately due to the complexity of the game, some things can slip through the crack. Not that this is necessarily the case here.. that's for SI to decide.

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This one baked my noodle a little bit too! I thought it was a little fishy that the AI can do this. I also would like to know what bids are being made so I can match them!

just a quick question. i see so many of these "if you think... post it in bug thread". it should at half of these posts clear, that the op think it isnt correct. i also dont understand why a moderator doesnt do his moderator stuff like moving threads. or to prevent multiple threads with same issue open 1 and link them to the posts user complains... in sum that would cost the same amount of time as always repeat the same phrase.

This also bothers me, how often we are expected to do their work for them. An awful lot more bugs reports would happen if threads like this were just moved to the proper forum for said bug.

There is also the post above asking for examples from saves... this is an extremely easy bug to reproduce, it takes pretty much no effort at all. In fact, it would take less time to reproduce than it would to download my save file and load it up to test this. Offer some players for sale and watch how many teams offer you less than value and many of them offer the exact same amount like they knew what the other was bidding. Pretty simple. I just offered a player for $5mil and 3 teams offered me simultanious $2.5mil bids, like they knew!

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I can only speak for myself here..

I stopped moving those types of posts in particular because it became a full time job to do so and the users weren't learning that they need to post in the correct area..

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

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I can only speak for myself here..

I stopped moving those types of posts in particular because it became a full time job to do so and the users weren't learning that they need to post in the correct area..

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

I would retort that it would have taken an equal amount of time to move it as it did for you to post, so, no loss of time there and the bug reports area would have more fresh posts. But this is now way OT and likely should die a dishonorable death lol.

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I would retort that it would have taken an equal amount of time to move it as it did for you to post, so, no loss of time there and the bug reports area would have more fresh posts. But this is now way OT and likely should die a dishonorable death lol.

Sometimes you see somethings in the code of one save that doesn't appear in another. Hence the request for a save.

Considering a save hasnt been uploaded, there would be absolutely no point in moving the thread.

Closing the thread as the advice as been given

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