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Question about database settings

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Hi, about to start a new save and have a few questions regarding loading the nations.

Normally I load the top European nations and make them all set to 'view only' apart from the nation I'm playing. When I search for staff, sometimes I can't find them, even if I have the nation they are in loaded.

1) If I make a nation 'Playable' would this make the staff searchable inside this nation? or should they still be searchable even if I have it set to 'view only'?

2) If that's the case, can I start with a nation 'playable' then after I manage to sign the staff I want, can I change it back to 'view only'?

3) Do the nations made 'playable' really have a big effect on the computer performance? at the start if I select 4 nations and have only 1 to playable I have about 4/5 star rating for my computer performance. But If i make them all playable, it goes down to about 2 stars.

This is what I normally load, if this helps:

England (Skybet league 2) PLAYABLE

France (first division) VIEW ONLY

German (first division) VIEW ONLY

Spain (first division) VIEW ONLY

Italy (first division) VIEW ONLY

*Medium database

Many thanks for any advice!

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1) Top players will still be searchable, but you need to make the league playable to "activate" all players from that league.

2) Not sure. You can certainly do it the other way round. But "view only" really just simulates results so you get a league table rather than a list of past winners, so it's up to you how much extra immersion you feel you get from it.

3) You answered the question yourself, really. Yes they do.

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