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Eastside Hockey Manager full screen glitch

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Simple somewhat - after installing the game I went into preferences and tweaked a few things, and I also wanted to run it in full screen mode and not windowed...massive mistake apparently and now, even after uninstalling and deleting all known files then reinstalling, the issue persists that when I run the game all that happens is that my screen flashes about five or six times and it says the game is loaded but the windows at the bottom are unable to be selected and I cannot get into the game...any help is very much appreciated as I really hope I didn't just waste money on a game I was REALLY looking forward to enjoying only to be bested by a visual glitch...please help if you can

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  • SI Staff

To get the game to start back in the original default settings, have you tried deleting the "game.cfg" from your temp folder to clear the preferences (default location is: C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\EHM\) ?

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