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Names on shirts

Statistical Approach

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So I'm using the tactics screen edit from vitrex but with the standard skin, has worked for since implementing it. But I've noticed a strange issue today. When you have 5 midfielders, like in the below image, it removes the names from the back of the shirts entirely.


But as soon as you go back to a midfield 4 then it's fine, as below.


I'm not entirely sure (hence the thread) but I'm guessing it could be font size related? or maybe spacing?

If someone could help that would be amazing. My xml knowledge is limited but if you let me know which file needs to be amended and what's causing the problem then I should be able to do that :D

Thanks very much

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It's due to spacing. With 5 midfielders the icons become smaller, but the names don't scale at all and just go out of the box. It happens because the name attribute is coded to stick to a particular side, I guess it's bottom in your case. And when Icons become smaller the name just goes above the shirt and above the plain box itself, so it's not visible anymore.

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<widget class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" icon_flags="show_name,use_overview_icons,show_extra_details,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels,show_captain" priority="1" default_height="-1" minimum_height="600">

<integer id="pitch_vertical_padding" value="0" />

<boolean id="vertical" value="true" />

<integer id="pitch_player_radius" value="4" />

<integer id="pitch_player_icon_text_size" value="5" />

<real id="pitch_length_multiplier" value="1.15" />

<integer id="pitch_player_icon_text_size" value="5" />

<flags id="pitch_alignment" value="can_scale" />

<boolean id="allow_attributes_popup" value="true" />

<!-- This controls how large the players on the pitch are allowed to get in narrower formations, as a fraction of the pitch size. -->

<!-- For example, in 5 man wide formation the size of the players will be about 0.18 while a 3 man wide formation may get up to 0.25 or so -->

<!-- Clamping this size gives more consistency across the formations. -->

<!-- You can also set miinimum_player size which mainly has the effect of decreasing the space taken by positions (like the sweeper) that are not currently filled. Default is 1/18 -->

<real id="maximum_player_size" value="0.20" />

<!-- normal run, darkened run, drag run colours -->

<colour id="ncol" name="tactics normal run" />

<colour id="dcol" name="tactics darkened run" />

<colour id="gcol" name="tactics dragged run" />


have a play with that figure in the tactics overview.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi - grateful for some help with making the players' name appear in a different position than the top of the shirt - which makes it pretty hard to read:


Was hoping to have the names appear in a similar place as the version below:


Many thanks

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Hi - grateful for some help with making the players' name appear in a different position than the top of the shirt - which makes it pretty hard to read:


Was hoping to have the names appear in a similar place as the version below:


Many thanks


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