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Full Backs - Hold position

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I can't achieve that my full back hold's his position.

My adjustments are:

Duty = Support

Team shape: Structured

Team Instructions = Closing down = Sometimes

Here are three examples were my full back doesn't hold his position and leaves huge space behind him were the opposition easily turn in.




I have tried hold position and stay wider as player instruction but this doesn't solve the problem.

What else ca I do?

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And just to clarify, Hold Position and Stay Wider/Narrower are in-possession instructions.

Without seeing your setup, the three potential means of preventing your fullback from being pulled out of position:

1) Have an MLR covering space ahead of him or, less effectively still worth considering, use a flat three midfield.

2) Tell him to close down less.

3) Push up your d-line against more defensive opponents so your midfield isn't getting stretched out in the centre third.

That said, you can also resort to man-marking if you do want him to stay wider.

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Had this issue with the same formation too. I've changed my AMLR (2 IF or 1 IF/Winger, depending on the opponents defense line) from a attack to a support and my wingbacks both got the PI "Mark tighter". I also tried to teach (and buy) all of the wingsbacks to hug the line. Now while we're defending they are covering the zones, i want them to cover. Differences between your setup and mine are, my DLR are wingsbacks, which are on support duty with the PIs "cross from deep" and "cross more often" and my team shape is flexible with mentality control and width balance. Maybe it helps.

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Logically shouldn't the fullback hold position (if you ask him to) regardless of what the rest of the team is doing? If your wingers aren't contributing defensively and the opposition winger is running at your fullback why does he *need* to engage him? If you're telling him to hold position he should hold position. This seems like a flaw to me

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Logically shouldn't the fullback hold position (if you ask him to) regardless of what the rest of the team is doing? If your wingers aren't contributing defensively and the opposition winger is running at your fullback why does he *need* to engage him? If you're telling him to hold position he should hold position. This seems like a flaw to me

As said higher up, Hold Position is an in-possession instruction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want your FB to stay in line, use the Defend duty.

You can argue this makes him less of an outlet for crossing, but it certainly makes your team more solid, and believe it or not he will be available for passes if the winger gets in trouble and needs relief, albeit he will be in a much deeper position.

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