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Match slow any ideas

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Hello I have a basic laptop and been playing fm, had it on demo and worked fine, I got the full game and then installed it, it runs very smooth and perfect even on the friendly's but then on match day at the start of the match its laggy for the first 2 minutes but then fine :s, I am Chelsea in the game, but if theres only a few games on that day its fine, But if im any team below prem, its very laggy on match day but like I said if theres only a few games its fine. Only have English prem, down to conference

any help


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I have small database something like 7,000 players or something, my laptop cpu is: intel ivy bridge dual-core ulv 1.5ghz, memory-6gb HDD- 1tb

windows 8, I understand I have a slow processor and can deal with the slow start to some matches and then its fine, was just seeing if there was any other solution, many thanks

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